ahh, I'm totally freaking out.
the CD Release party is FINALLY going ot happen.
Oct 13th at the King King in Hollywood.
so I need to find a bass player and I need to find 2 bands to play with SEN and Smog.
I'm thinking of inviting someone to play video between sets. I think Black and white bondage video would be awesome.
I want...
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the CD Release party is FINALLY going ot happen.
Oct 13th at the King King in Hollywood.
so I need to find a bass player and I need to find 2 bands to play with SEN and Smog.
I'm thinking of inviting someone to play video between sets. I think Black and white bondage video would be awesome.
I want...
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not much new. got a haircut. makng music. making furniture. squandering my free time and not getting enough things done.
feels like i'm in a glass box with no way out except to smash it.
feels like i'm in a glass box with no way out except to smash it.
ah, it's saturday. last night i went and saw my friend Jason Mackenroth ( the drummer on the SEN record) play at the Cat Club. he was on fire. world class drummer. Also, on bass was my friend Jacques Wait who mixed my record and playing guitar was John Kuker who produced my record. I was in awe of the talent. they are all such...
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just got back from Egypt today. ready to pass out. seems like I've been up for days. it was an incredible experience. it felt old, completely disconected from a western world. exotic and poor. crumbling buildings and wires and satelites dishes. Hot. yellow brick and sand and rock. burning sun. crazy traffic and a chaos of people and sounds.
Come on by, have a margarita, have a taco...buy a book!

so you'll be there friday?
i copyedited the book!
i copyedited the book!
so the band has just finished it's first video. directed by Karla Eduvia.
if you're curious to check it out go here:
I just got Sen's ASCETIC on itunes...i'm excited about that.
we will be shooting an independant video in a couple of weeks for Hold Me Down. Should be fun. I'm a little nervous about looking like a jackass though.
going to Minneapolis the end of May to see some Rock n ROll and friends and family....
we will be shooting an independant video in a couple of weeks for Hold Me Down. Should be fun. I'm a little nervous about looking like a jackass though.
going to Minneapolis the end of May to see some Rock n ROll and friends and family....
so i think I may have found a bass player for the band. hopefully. I'm meeting two from the responses I got froman ad. I think one of them will work out.
booking some out of town dates in June. Phoenix, Tucson, and San Diego.
Going to Minneapolis May 25th for a friends fashion/rock show at First Ave. should be very cool.
getting my...
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booking some out of town dates in June. Phoenix, Tucson, and San Diego.
Going to Minneapolis May 25th for a friends fashion/rock show at First Ave. should be very cool.
getting my...
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I didn't see your hair yesterday.
And how about some in-town dates, huh?

And how about some in-town dates, huh?
I live In Phoenix and would love to hear your guy's stuff if you could leave me some info in my journal when you got it all worked out that would be cool, and good luck with finding a bass player.
i was going to go to Boardners tonight to check out a band with my friend Beth. But the band bailed. they were pissed at how they were treated so they loaded out just after loading in. lame, this town treats rock bands like shit.
so I got tacos, a coke, and a movie. i feel like i could use some down time to re-energize....
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so I got tacos, a coke, and a movie. i feel like i could use some down time to re-energize....
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Don't be too jealous, considering I'm most likely paying for all the trip myself! I just need to get the hell outta dodge...
I took K., not M. to the party. Who let you vote for the Grammys? And what does that even mean?
I'm sorry about your files, and I hear you re: energizing....
I took K., not M. to the party. Who let you vote for the Grammys? And what does that even mean?
I'm sorry about your files, and I hear you re: energizing....
went and checked out the free burlesque show tonight at the Derby. it was allright. nothing special. seemed a little amatuerish. I wanted to check out the derby again anyway. I was thinking of trying to book the band there. seems like it would be fairly cool. I saw Autolux there and it was pretty rad.
drinking alone at a bar watching a burlesque show...
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drinking alone at a bar watching a burlesque show...
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OT - thanks for the craigslist suggestion. I'm already checking there daily.
I don't think they make creamsicle Pocky, but they should!!!
quiet morning
blue sky
wisps of dreams floating by
the glow and sparkle of sunshine
coating everything like honey
soft tones of a man's voice
drifting through the air
taking the mind to a foreign land
sparkles of ocean waves
caressing the dark rock
like a tumultous lover
dreams of ghosts
of green eyes peeking through black hair
like a tiger in the grass
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blue sky
wisps of dreams floating by
the glow and sparkle of sunshine
coating everything like honey
soft tones of a man's voice
drifting through the air
taking the mind to a foreign land
sparkles of ocean waves
caressing the dark rock
like a tumultous lover
dreams of ghosts
of green eyes peeking through black hair
like a tiger in the grass
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Lovely, but "peaking" should be "peeking." Sorry, it's only my job.
It reminded me of a sentence from my story:
The world was disappointing him no end. People were as chilly and barren as his post-war German surroundings. He spent his time breezing through museums, all of which he hated, and all of which he regarded as places only creeps congregated to show off how much they knew. But he knew that, in order for him to satisfy his lust, he needed to move. How else was he going to find this woman that he knew so well, but never met? He imagined her face. It was the face of a chameleon, a girl who could change her appearance and blend within any number of surroundings.

It reminded me of a sentence from my story:
The world was disappointing him no end. People were as chilly and barren as his post-war German surroundings. He spent his time breezing through museums, all of which he hated, and all of which he regarded as places only creeps congregated to show off how much they knew. But he knew that, in order for him to satisfy his lust, he needed to move. How else was he going to find this woman that he knew so well, but never met? He imagined her face. It was the face of a chameleon, a girl who could change her appearance and blend within any number of surroundings.
Haunted look
With a calm serenity
Wearing my Sunday best
With a twisting anxiety
Heart bleeding
Open to the world
Dressed for heartbreak
A tender approach
Lost in a mistake
Ive got my trauma suit on
Dressed for a mistake
Walking out of a heartbreak
With my trauma suit on
Waiting out a heartbreak
I almost responded with one of my own but it wouldn't do it justice.

... and I love track #5.
[Edited on Mar 03, 2005 8:28PM]
[Edited on Mar 03, 2005 8:28PM]
needing abreak from the music promo. thinking of going camping in the redwoods. escape from life for a moment. a break from trying to set up a Cd release party. from getting drunk dialed at 1am by an ex (i didn't pick up).
instead I should just sit with the acoustic and sing. been sick lately, so didn't get any singing in. Still tired.
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instead I should just sit with the acoustic and sing. been sick lately, so didn't get any singing in. Still tired.
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Rusty redwood brain, relax.