Well, tonight I've been busy making flashcards for the suffixes in my medical terminaology class. While doing that I was listening to the O'Riely cd of the piano covers for Radiohead tracks. I listened to it 3 times in a row & enjoyed it very much. Hope all is well on your side of the screen.
I don't suppose you ever took Latin? That would make the Medical Terminology class much easier! Unfortunately I don't think Latin is much use other than for that or if you're going to be on Jeopardy!

Yep... I try to remain positive about life. I honestly think we have only a little say over where we are supposed to be in life and I generally think there is always a reason or a lesson to be learned when things don't go the way we want. Of course, it's hard to see the reasons while living in the present, which can make life difficult at times. I hate the fact that I couldn't go to college right after high school. But if I had, god knows what I would have majored in or where I would currently be in my life. I am where and who am now because of every little thing that has happened since then. And if I had gone to college then, who knows where I would be in my life. And there are a lot of my people near and dear to me that I never would have met! So, even though I am 33 and still struggling with what to be when I grow up, I have a life I usually love because of my inability to go to college earlier. Anyways... that's usually my theory about things that happen in life... good or bad.

One thing I don't like about Orlando is their lack of veg things. Good veg foods can be found in ethnic restaurants, but other than that veg food are usually crappy for you here. I don't think there is any place here that has something like a tofu scramble even though we do sometimes make it at home. I really tink there's a niche here that needs to be filled. Unfortunately I don't have the money to fill that veg void here! Being veg definitely has become trendy. Whatever floats their boat I suppose!

It's funny how you can be influenced mentally by what you read or watch. I'm sure your reading has put you in a weird place! We spent a couple of months watching an anime series called Neon Genesis. On the surface, it was just a neat series about the near future and science and the earth being attcked. But there was so much more to it that I still don't even get. There were a lot of religious references, some Christian (which I am most familiar with) and others from many different religions or philosophies. I still want to look stuff up when I have a chance and watch some of it again so I can get what i missed the first time. When we finished watching it (I think it's 26 half hours and then 2 movies), my mind was in a blur. It was something that made life seem a little surreal for a while (as much as I hate the way the word is so overused now). Personally I love it when tings change my perspective, even if only temporarily because I think they do have lasting effects on some level.

I wonder what they're going to do if the Pope ends up brain dead and in a coma. I wonder if they would kep him hooked up to life support for 15 years. "They" say that life is life and as long as you are living, everything should be done to keep the person alive. We actually had a quasi-discussion about that in my humanities class about how God would be angry if someone was taken off of life support. My mom knowingly said one night that "God had already called her home" (her being Terri Schiavo). I wonder if God wouldn't be angrier with our human meddling over science nowadays. Of course, I don't believe in God with a capital G... not like I was raised to believe. But it shut the puritans in my class up.... and there are many of them.

Anyways, we are out of town fo the weekend. Going to Gainesville to see some friends and do some biking! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! smile

Holy wordiness! wink I warned ya!

[Edited on Apr 01, 2005 8:06AM]
Thanks for the comment smile It was my first set, my next one will be better, don't worry.

Well, lets see I'm back in school studying medical terminalogy,
working out alot & listening to 50. What can I say it's what my mood desires. Ofcoures the fact that both his cd & The Game's have great tracks, I need both. Busy, busy......................

I've come up with my personal favorites for 2004
1 U2
2 Green Day
3 Modest Mouse
4 Wilco
5 Perfect Circle

I read that Manson is throwing in the towel & getting married as well. I actually thought the later stuff was better than the earlier from Anti Christ & up. Once Geordie White left you could hear the void. Oh well, hope...
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Happy Sunday! I've been crazy with tests lately although I fared rather well... rather well for me in science classes that is! I hate getting anything less than As, but when it comes to science classes, I'm happy with Bs. As much as I like science, I do not have a natural talent for it. I study my ass off and still get Bs. I stopped beating myself up over that long ago!

I am now on "spring break" even though it doesn't really count since my classes are online. Did you sped your entire week peeling off wallpaper? I am horrible with stuff like that. I see little chips of paint coming off and the next thing I know I have a bare wall! That has happened to me more than once before I painted.

Any exciting Easter plans? My family is really just gtting together to eat. That's how we are. Any excuse for us to all get together and chow down!

I wish I could say I have exciting plans for my week away from classes, but I've been so busy studying that I really need to get my house in order! Where'd you go when you were gone a week ago? Happy Sunday!
I hate not getting the classes you want/need. Sure, you'll get them eventually but it's still a pesky little school problem! At least it could lead to an internship... as annoying as it can be, I think things usually happen fr a reason!!

Buffets aren't my thing either. I'm usually a one-tripper as well and it seems expensive in the end. Plus, I'm a vegetarian so I can usually only eat a few things. Breakfast at restaurants for veggies isn't the easiest thing to do (altough I imagine it's easier in Portland). I only recently started eating omlettes. Usually it's easier just to eat at home in the morn. But Easter is different from every other day I guess. What'd you do for Easter (other than brunch)?

What made you decide to try vegetarianism? I stpped eating red meat and pork when I was 15 or 16 and poultry and seafood when I was 19. It's been so long that I can't remember why I did it in the first place... other than being sort of grossed out by it. Planning on turning veg or was it a short term thing? I have a few friends who just stopped eating meat for a year or so just because they got sick of eating meat and then because they got sick of being veg biggrin Both my bf and my sis in law are veg so it makes getting together quite easy!

Off to do the dishes! One of the things I slacked on last week! Have a great rest of the day!

Greetings SG friends,

Well, I saw Kings of Convienence on thursday night at the Doug Fir. They were a tad dull as there remix record is there best & they tour acusticly. Oh well, Astrowerks put us on the guest list.
I got my U2 ticket for December 19. I'm trying for Seattle show the day before too. I do LOVE them so. Dizzie Rascal,...
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i really hope those cds are there by now, its been too long, i just don't want them to be lost !!!! eeek eeek

i like Doves - their first cd most though. also King Cobb Steely (spelt right??) & Kruder & Dorfmeister. i love brit stuff, i still wonder how the fuck soo many great bands can come out of such a small area. i mean the u.k. is barely bigger than new england here in the u.s. yet, there are tons of amazing bands from just england alone. why is this ????? shit, from led zep, beatles, black sabbath, the who - to - the cure, depeche mode, echo & the bunnymen, joy division, the smiths, it just doesn't end over there !!!! i think the U.S. has better "metal" & "hardcore" & "emo" bands.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i feel so releived that you got the box !!! hehe - yeah, my color printer is down, the covers would have been way more done up if it was working, hope you like them, they are best listened to while driving !!! if you feel like making a copy of the brit comp cds you are doing, i would be more than happy hear them smile
Good day web friends,

Well, tonight I did a BritPop mix I named "Advent for Tomorrow". It begins with Stone Roses & Happy Mondays & works it's way forward through all the great Brit bands up to Travis. I'll need to do a Preadvent with the Jam & Clash up to unsure. Also I'll need to do a more recent with Muse, Badly Drawn Boy...
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Biking does have its benefits, no doubt about it! I live in a rather bike unfriendly area (streetwise at least) but my boyfriend lives downtown so we'll definitely be able to ride around lots. That and we have lots of paved "trails" here where people walk, ride, rollerblade, etc... Problem is I feel guilty going out biking and leaving my dog at home because she loves going places! I just have to promise myself to walk her on the trail every few days.

It's sort of funny thinking about moving someplace you've never been isn't it? I just know that I have never cared for Orlando and the narrowmindedness of Florida in general. And like they say (or at least we do here) it's not so much the heat, it's the humidity!

So would lab assistant include looking at lots of things under a microscope? I'm a big geek that way. Even though I have a propensity for things like English and Humanities, I've always liked sciencey things!

Teacher? Maybe just not in Florida. The school system here pretty much stinks and teachers are seriously undervalued. Librarian? Maybe. Let's me be anal retentive! My mom and her fellow teachers were actually the ones who thought of that one. I guess it's a lot different now than it was when I was a kid with all the technology out there!

Weekend plans include going to the Farmer's Market and drinking some yummy wine. That's the other downside to Orlando... not much to do unless you have money to blow which I currently do not! Even then, most of the things here are rather lame.

What cds are you thinking about getting? Any good suggestions on stuff to listen to? I have a new friend! Would you believe that half of the people on my friend's list are people I've never heard from? I figure unless they get uber creepy, what's the harm?

Happy Friday!

Edited to add: Yeah I get super chatty some days!

[Edited on Mar 11, 2005 12:48PM]
i am doing well. i feel great actually. except for when i look down and see all that sagging skin on my tummy, but what can you do?
thanks for the compliment. that was very sweet love

Well, I've started reading a book on Britpop that came out in 04. It begins with Stone Roses & Happy Mondays then proceeds into Suede & Blur. I actually really enjoy both bands a lot. It's odd that Justine was involved with both frontmen. One things for sure she has good taste. I'm kinda upset by all the punters who try to push so...
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I miss London frown

My sis is law is actually fab (lucky me) and she's on SG and called me a fuckbag because I hadn't updated my journal since December. She had a point! biggrin

I've found no job, interesting or otherwise so I'm focusing on school. I decided this would be a good semester to take 2 science classes snce I'm not working and they require more of my time than other classes do.

I don't know about the weird dreams on the new couch since it just arrived yesterday. It'll be interesting to see especially since my old couch is almost as old as am if not older! Maybe it's haunted wink
I've definitely been slacking in updating my journal! Trying to get better though!

Right now I'm taking humanities, bio, and oceanography. The 2 science are requiring lots of time, but I had 2 Fs from my much younger (read stupid) days that I want to get rid of.

Another stupid Florida law... only missionary sex. LOL! Apparently Florida is one of the few states that didn't change their laws a few years ago even though they were initially started to be anti-homosexual laws. What a state I live in! Actually, my boy and I are talking about moving to Portland in a few years.... how is it? Seems like the closest to perfect that we could hope to find!

Happy weekend!!

i just finished reading "Scar Tissue" about Anthony Keatis & it was quite a good read if your interested in drug abuse, womenizing, & a sad state of affairs. The ending is really positive though. I feel myself like I'm in my own drug haze without anyone around to assist. Oh well, I guess I'll make do right.

Well they're enjoying the weekend. Are you?


Well, the fourth day of solid Talking Heads!!! Tonight I watched the video collection & for a band that seemed to not give a toss about image they sure were diverse. Johnny Marr was in a video playing guitar but, I don't see his name in the credits of the track? I love the fact that Byrne is not concerned with looks or of...
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Your right, you really are. kiss
Check e-mail.
Greetings & salutations,

Well, I produced yet another mix for my special friend & I think it's quite a keeper. I jumped around more allowing for more of a range in tempo's. Started off with the Decemberists & ended with Morrissey. That allows for a lot of variety. I've been listening to Talking Heads 4 disc box non-stop for 2 days. There was a lot...
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hey man !!
i am almost finished with the triple disc dj set. i already copied the junkie xl & unkle for you. and i am throwing in a special edition dj set i did from a few months back. it has depeche mode "halo" (christian j mix) & new order "confusion" (koma & bones extended mix) & bjork "undo" (dislokated imposters mix) & peter gabriel "shock the monkey" (steve porter mix) etc.... i think you will like it
I'd love to hear it and anything else you've mixed up. That's something I always thought would be fun to do, but never really thought I would have a knack for. What else besides mixing keeps you occupied?

The cover band I saw on Saturday was Sunny Jim. They play Super Creamy Dance Rock, stuff by everyone.

Apparently, I don't play well with kids my own age if my friends' behavior is reflective. *shakes head* I've been listening to angry girls today mostly (PJ Harvey, Ani Defranco, Pink, Evanescence). It kind of suits my mood.

I loved gymnastics. I didn't hit my stride until the end of my career, but I was good. Gymnastics is a fun sport atheletically. It challenges you mentally and physically, but it is the most outrageous competition. It's so emotional. I can't even describe the stress. There is no other sport where the competition is like that. I just haven't found anything since then that drew me in. I love watching sports though: basketball and soccer would be my top two. What about you?

I'm not extremely active now. I used to coach gymnastics and that kept me in shape. I used to have a really high speed job that kept me in shape. Now, I like ... walking *laugh*. I just love downtown Oly. I love walking around looking at stuff and just being there. I wish I lived closer. I've heard it's like Portland on a smaller scale. Any truth? What's it like? I need to make a road trip.
Good day,

Well, I felt it was about time I popped a picture up there in the corner. That does appear to be. I look sorta sinister really. Rough too. Oh well now atleast everytime I come here I can see me smiling back at me. Hope all is well on your side of the screen.
I'm didn't write why I was upset earlier. I went and saw this local cover band that I really like. One of my girlfriends and two of our friends were supposed to show up, but they bailed to go to some dive and didn't call. Basically feeling disposable.

When I said everything in music, I meant it. Pink, Renee Olstead, Stevie Wonder, Sting, Nickleback, Audioslave, Garbage, Evanescence, Modest Mouse, Coheed & Cambria. I can do it all.

I live in south Tacoma, near Hwy 512. I'm still exploring downtown Tacoma, but it's beautful. I don't know. I'm a city girl. I can appreciate the solitude of the country (or an island in the middle of the sound), but my preference is to be in the middle of it all.

I haven't been to Portland since I was a gymnast (like six years ago). After that I lived in northern California for a couple years, near Sacramento. I don't really know why I haven't gotten back down to Portland. Haven't had my freedom long enough to make a trip.

Dress up: I like clothes. I like how if I'm going to see a band, I can put on my punky clothes (which are not everyday attire because of my job). If I'm going dancing then it's different. If I'm going running it's different.

I'm just a girl. puke
I'm ready
Ready for the gridlock
I'm ready
To take it to the street
Ready for the shuffle
Ready for the deal
Ready to let go
Of the steering wheel
I'm ready
Ready for the crush!!!!
Thank you. <3 kiss
"The Stranger" is an amazing book <3. I have already been accepted as an SG, now it is just a matter of sending in my paperwork and photoset.
I'm ready to live, I'm ready to die
I'm ready to say I'm glad to be alive
I'm ready. ready for what's next!!!!-U2
Not as of yet. i have been doing a lot of TFP (time for prints) to build up my portfolio. It takes a few weeks for these site to respond.
hey hey man !!! how have you been ?? any new cds added to your collection in the past couple weeks ??? i am waiting on the new New Order single, and full lenght album. also the last and final DM album - i will have to see them on tour again since this will be the last one frown i did pick up the Frou Frou cd and the new Le Tigre cd. not completely my style of music, but the le tigre is like 80's new wave meets angry girl pop punk ...hehe i am finishing up my newest dj set, it's now a 3 disc set. !!! i make a dj set about once a month (for 13 years now) ---there is a great remix of Tears for Fears new song "closest thing to heaven" done by Borthers in Rhythm (dave seaman)