well kids it been fun for awile but I cant make my payment this month so today will be my last day for a month or two, but I will de back
I leave you this to ponder
"not to borrow the strength of another, nor to rely on ones own strength; to cut off past and future thoughts, and not to live within the...
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I leave you this to ponder
"not to borrow the strength of another, nor to rely on ones own strength; to cut off past and future thoughts, and not to live within the...
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That's a Maxifucious line bro. That sucks that you have to end your account. Be back soon bro.

new profile pick for yall sorry about how far away I look in the pic, I dont have the use of digi yet but there coming

hey cutie 

That's funny. You look so thug when you wear that bandana and shades. Actually When I saw you at pioneer square that one day I thought you were my friend Cory for a second, cuz he sports the same thing. So if I stay in Portland for my birthday I might go to that Frans Ferdinand show. So if you're down to go out after work that would be awesome. Good news. I just got a call from Gunderson finally about that welding job. I've got an interview on Monday. Wish me luck mang.

hey kids back in town and couldnt feel detter about it, I love how two days away from potland and i missed it. Had lots of fun with friends that I havent seen in along time and we got fucked up, The best thing was seeing my friend kenny, we used to live together in hawaii and havent seen each other much since I moved...
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thanks for the compliment on my tattoo

So whats going on this sunday that we have to be there at 5:30? We'll have to go out afterwards for sure. I see ya finally got a pic downloaded. Look at Max goin techdog. Yeah. Later mang.
I just read your crush. I think most of the guys there have that same crush. It's gotta be the innocence and purity thing. It'll turn the toughest guys into pussycats.
Then again, Im the opposite. I like a tough girl that's a pussycat to me.
[Edited on Sep 14, 2004 11:47PM]

I just read your crush. I think most of the guys there have that same crush. It's gotta be the innocence and purity thing. It'll turn the toughest guys into pussycats.

[Edited on Sep 14, 2004 11:47PM]
well kids its time to pack my bags and hit the road not going to be able to check this sit for a week or so but as soon as i can ill get back to yall. I t will be good for me im going back to my home town and being in my friends wedding, that part is going to suck becuase i...
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Sounds like a good time. Im hoping to meet up with my boys from AK soon. Its good to hang out with your old bros Well have a good vacation bro. We gotsta go out when you get back.

lucky you....a vacation is a vacation, even in a tux....hey, eat a piece of cake for me

so on friday I got the privalage of working the stage at the david buryn (from the talking heads)
it was the best show that I have ever seen, the guy has the best stage presentss that Ive ever seen and that says alot because I work alot of concerts. The best part was when he started playing talking heads stuff it fucking blew me...
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hi max....sorry i was acting like a drunken fool last night....thanks for sharing your beer with me...it was fun, next time i won't drink so much....my tolorance has gone waaaaayyyy down.


so me and a friend went rock climbing yesterday its the first time in a yr that me and my gear went out
it was phiscally draning got to get in better shape going agian on thur.
I love rock climbing when your up on the rock you forget about everything all you know is the rock

I love rock climbing when your up on the rock you forget about everything all you know is the rock

Man, I look like the biggest retarded monkey when I rockclimb. That's cool that you got out and had a good time though. See ya later.
reptiles rock, just got a new bearded dragon
so now im up to two will be a nice breeding pair in about a year or longer.
mojave rattlesnake,3 corn snakes, red tail boa, 2 spiders
2 fish (bettas)..ummm.. 3 cats..lol

mojave rattlesnake,3 corn snakes, red tail boa, 2 spiders
2 fish (bettas)..ummm.. 3 cats..lol
So my parents just left town they came up from llincoln Ne, to see me on my dads 50th birthday, it was cool we went to the coast and to mt. hood I had alot of fun, its weird to have to show people around where you live, I dont know if its just me but when people come to visit it seems like everything...
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everything is groovy down here in miami, it's suppose to be hitting tampa on the west cost of florida, so thankfully we just missed it over here where i am... it's been nice outside today so far, i think it drizzled for an entire five minutes and that was that..... so from what i understand, things are fine 

yeah, i gotta wait until the 17th to see it, my friend in nashville wants me to see it with him.. i dunno if i can wait though.... hehe
so ive decided that its time to get on the sobar wagon for abit seeing how bad things happen to me when I get drunk and Ive been drinking for like two weeks or more cant remember

So, I heard some guy lifted the taxi bike and parked it out front of the Crystal the other night. I laughed my ass off when I heard that shit. So goin the sober route for a minute eh? Good idea. Flush that shit out of your system and feel good for a while. Or at least you'll save alot of money. Maybe spend the money that you'd spend at the bar to buy parts to build that road bike you want. See you at work later.

so...when are you gonna come out drinkin' w/ us?

Fuck yeah. It's like everyone in this town is doomed right now as far as finances and jobs are concerned. They say it's getting better, but I dont see much changing. That sucks that so many people here have to have 2-3 jobs to get by. Makes me wish things were like the "good ol days" when our parents just worked their asses off at one job and could make a living. Maybe Portland isnt the right place to be. If shit doesnt change in a year or so, Im gonna try my luck elsewhere.
here is the name of that welding place...gundersons...on 1st ave. hey...are you working next sat night?
so I thought that I would just put this out there for all the fans of flogging molly, I work at a concert venue in town and they are coming October 10, I couldnt be more excited about that. If you dont know who they are you should still go because If you like to drink and you like punk rock then it dosent get...
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Flogging Molly is gonna kick ass. I need to remember to request that night off. My luck I'll be at the front door. Saturday it's on. Later.
i didnt see the first opening band but we came during the middle of the second bands set...was that wolfeyes? I thought they were great......ok just kidding, actually that probably isnt even funny to joke about. My friend and I decided that listening to them play was basically the equivalent of poking white hot needles into your eyes although that was even a close one. What the fuck kind of music was that!!! I couldnt believe that some people were actually clapping for them!!! I was confused to say the least. What did you think?
out of a rating system of
I give them
But on the other hand, I hope you enjoyed Sonic Youth as much as I did
out of a rating system of

I give them

But on the other hand, I hope you enjoyed Sonic Youth as much as I did

meh. i'm too lazy to correct you on here about days and events.. yer in. just don't creep anyone out or yer gone!! grrr!! i am sooooo scarry!! ahahha... 

that new set with day and her twin is one of the best ive seen yet