Eight days since I last posted. It's been stressful at work and I haven't had much time or much of anything to post about.
Turns out I need to sell 90 grand a month from now until December in order to make my goal. I have to do another 50 grand this month--and it's super slow this month.
Just booked my trip to Nawlins for VOODOO FEST. The lineup is incredible! null
Last night was the first night in years that I did not have a nightmare. At least if I did, I don't remember it.
Hughe lightening and thunderstorm here in NYC. And I mean HUGE!
Have to get ready for work.
Turns out I need to sell 90 grand a month from now until December in order to make my goal. I have to do another 50 grand this month--and it's super slow this month.
Just booked my trip to Nawlins for VOODOO FEST. The lineup is incredible! null
Last night was the first night in years that I did not have a nightmare. At least if I did, I don't remember it.
Hughe lightening and thunderstorm here in NYC. And I mean HUGE!
Have to get ready for work.
I used to have a recurring dream of drowning in pitch black water. I was very happy when those finally stopped.
I've just had my hands full with this contest thing. I spend literally about four hours on Myspace each day trolling for votes to make sure I stay in the lead, and this chick is still gaining on me. (Maybe I'm biased, but when I watched her video I found her so annoying I couldn't even get as far as her favorite horror movie.)
Christ, if this is what the first round is like I dread the final! Assuming I win, that is.
I'm sorry honey. I've been a bad internet friend. I will respond to you, I promise. I've got three full days of the Wizard World convention here tomorrow Friday and Saturday, then two rehearsals and a photoshoot Sunday, so I won't be able to write you a proper message until MOnday at the earliest.