I got a tetanus shot today.

I scratched myself while ripping apart some shelving units with my dad. They were pretty crappy (read: rusty) and I ended up with a really cool looking scratch on my forearm - and though the idea of lockjaw is pretty interesting, I opted to retain chewing abilities.

Oh, and I cut my back on a doorknob (don't ask, I'm...
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if you get lockjaw you don't have to give blowjobs.
I think the shot is a scam. I have sliced scewered and impailed myself on much dirty metal, for I am a welder and machinist. I have never had a tetanus shot and I don't have lockjaw. I have some other serious problems but I don't think there is any relation.
he was sweet child good birth weight was quiet and kept to himself
What's that from I know I've read it somewhere.