busy and relaxing weekend.
We are finally giving Frankie the Cat back to the animal coalition. I feel for Ant since he loves the cat when it lets him. but overall a bad fit in our household of 3 little timid dogs.
and Friday night we had over like 7 people and he bit and clawed the people that tried to be nice to him, Now i'm sure some would say Oh he was just playing, but my idea of playing doesn't include peroxide as a wrap up to the playing.
So we took him Saturday to get him all up to date on his shots while we wait for further instructions on where and when we are dropping him off. Did some more yoga, made some marinaded lamb chops with broiled cherry tomatoes, Rice pilaf and salad. and watched DEATH PROOF. I loved it.
Sunday went out for brunch with my friend and then we went to a Cello/piano recital and back home again.
So i have a driving course scheduled for the 22nd to see where i am at and what i need to brush up on before the road test.
and now booking my shoots for the spring and summer.
Hope you have a great day!