Sometimes it's good to do stuff on a whim, as much as i am a " PLANNER" and organizer, just sometimes it's good to just not plan. So since i have been doing horribly with my pulling my hair this month, aside from the last few days.. i stayed home on Tuesday becuse i was feeling under the weather, and just weak and feverish. i however did not pull ok maybe just one or two hairs, but htat is nothing compared to the hours of damage i could do being home alone idle. and last night i got the Beans back so i was just so over in love with them and content that i did not touch my head at all.
So today i washed my hair and just let it loose, i have 2 really bad patches, on the crown and behind the left ear, major damage, and my hair is the longest it's ever been right now because it has not really been cut in 2 years, just once last aug, i had the ends trimmed but that is not a real cut.
today i just made a last min appointment to go to my salon, and get a cut, or at least a few inches taken off and some layers. The stylist is aware of my OCD issues so no problems will be asked. and onlookers at the salon occasionally look, but i have grown such thick skin in the past 20 years i don't really care, i barely try to hide it like i use to. i don't let other peoples issues with my appearance upset me to the degree it use to.
yes i am dissapointed in myself for lack of control, but i am human and my hair is not all i am made up of.
ok so it helps that that in the past 7 years i have had a lot of support from strangers letting me know that i am beautiful and that fuels me to realizing i have nothing to prove. so i got some bald patches, does that really make me ugly?
I just get back on the wagon again...what else can one do.
BTW today is Jelly's 8th Birthday

she has a thyroid condition so shes on meds that keep her very spry she's more like a 5 year old.

I'm thinking about taking today off, same deal, just tired.