Two days ago I see Monster with Charlize Theron.
Do you like this movie ? I can not say if I like it or not.
I don't like Teron to take more than 20 lbs and false theeth. What is really ncecessary ? Is she a good actress because she does all these efforts ?
During the Oscars, she thanks everybody.. except Aileen Wuornos.
What do you think about Aileen Wuornos too ? I read a lot about her and I can't say if she is really guilty of sad murders or is she only a victim.
If you don't know Alif Tree, just listen to his tracks
Download here
Do you like this movie ? I can not say if I like it or not.
I don't like Teron to take more than 20 lbs and false theeth. What is really ncecessary ? Is she a good actress because she does all these efforts ?
During the Oscars, she thanks everybody.. except Aileen Wuornos.
What do you think about Aileen Wuornos too ? I read a lot about her and I can't say if she is really guilty of sad murders or is she only a victim.
If you don't know Alif Tree, just listen to his tracks
Download here
Je voudrias etre votre correspondant en anglais. J'ai etudie le francais au lycee et puis a l'universite, mais c'etait cinq ans, et je veux practiquer.
Je suis une americainne, alors, si vous voudrez (??) ca m'amuse bien.
(Desole, je peux pas trouver comment on faire des accents avec mon iMac)
I haven't seen Monster, but have you seen Secretary? At first I liked it, but now I don't think I do...I need to see it again. I'd like to hear your thoughts.