Merry Christmas! I'm overbooked.
It's nice that people think I'm good at things. It's actually really cool to be appreciated, but now I think my skills are a little too much in demand. I may end up assistant-producing one show (whatever the hell that entails) and stage managing another during what I know will be a busy time at work. And, of course, there'll be a certain amount of Fringe planning for the summer in there. And I'm performing in Camelot in January. I may die. Or worse yet, do a bad job of one or more of those things.
It's nice that people think I'm good at things. It's actually really cool to be appreciated, but now I think my skills are a little too much in demand. I may end up assistant-producing one show (whatever the hell that entails) and stage managing another during what I know will be a busy time at work. And, of course, there'll be a certain amount of Fringe planning for the summer in there. And I'm performing in Camelot in January. I may die. Or worse yet, do a bad job of one or more of those things.

Given that I've yet to be ill, I'd say it is cutting back. And I've been assured that time aging in the bottle, rather than the casket, is less useful.

You imply that this is somehow by choice.