Well, that was weird.
Last night I went to one of the usual house parties at Mr. B's house. Now, normally everyone at these things knows me and my husband is aware that, while I may be a shameless flirt, it's not actually going anywhere. Last night, Mr. B. suggested that I show this new guy my nipple piercings and he'd show me his chiseled abs (or something). I obliged, ran my hand down his chest appreciatively, basically standard operating procedure. Then he latches on to me and starts asking if I want to "go somewhere." I realized he'd misinterpreted my gesture and pulled away, put my shirt back on, then went to go talk to some other people. Guy followed me and kept trying to grab my hand and drag me off toward the bedrooms. I felt like I was in "My Humps" for a minute - "Don't pull on my hand, boy. You ain't my man, boy." Mr. B mentioned that I'm married, but guy didn't seem to care. Finally, I had to directly tell him that I was sorry if I'd misled him, but this was not going anywhere and he needed to back off. He starts mumbling about was I sure I wanted him to respect my husband and stuff. I said, "Yes, thank you," and pushed him off me. This sort of foolishness hasn't happened since my high school grad when one of my friends had to shove a guy off of me who didn't seem to feel that the fact that I had passed out should interfere with his romantic designs. This time I was awake, so it wasn't as big of a deal but, damn, moron.
And it gets worse. Ish. Slightly later, guy busts into the kitchen banging his wang on a tupperware container. Now, I have no problem seeing a guy's dick. Depending on how the party's going, it can be a logical step (although my husband's supposed to be there initially so we're sure everything's cool), but some doofus drumming it on things is just juvenile and idiotic. So I slapped him and told him to put that away or I'd remove it for him. The rest of the party guests found this moderately hilarious. I figured, if nothing else, this meant he'd leave me alone now. But no. In fact, when I later went to Mr. B's room to sleep for a while (he was in the computer room talking to another girl and doesn't usually go to sleep until the morning at these things, so his bedroom is workable for people like me who need to sleep for a couple of hours before driving home), doofus crawled into bed with me. Now, Mr. B has a fairly big bed (significant swank furniture upgrade fairly recently) and enough people had explained to him that he really shouldn't fuck with me so he didn't touch me, but I couldn't actually sleep either. I just laid there listening to the ambient party racket until about 6:30 am when I got up and went home.
In any case, the whole experience very much screwed up the party vibe for me. Sigh.
Last night I went to one of the usual house parties at Mr. B's house. Now, normally everyone at these things knows me and my husband is aware that, while I may be a shameless flirt, it's not actually going anywhere. Last night, Mr. B. suggested that I show this new guy my nipple piercings and he'd show me his chiseled abs (or something). I obliged, ran my hand down his chest appreciatively, basically standard operating procedure. Then he latches on to me and starts asking if I want to "go somewhere." I realized he'd misinterpreted my gesture and pulled away, put my shirt back on, then went to go talk to some other people. Guy followed me and kept trying to grab my hand and drag me off toward the bedrooms. I felt like I was in "My Humps" for a minute - "Don't pull on my hand, boy. You ain't my man, boy." Mr. B mentioned that I'm married, but guy didn't seem to care. Finally, I had to directly tell him that I was sorry if I'd misled him, but this was not going anywhere and he needed to back off. He starts mumbling about was I sure I wanted him to respect my husband and stuff. I said, "Yes, thank you," and pushed him off me. This sort of foolishness hasn't happened since my high school grad when one of my friends had to shove a guy off of me who didn't seem to feel that the fact that I had passed out should interfere with his romantic designs. This time I was awake, so it wasn't as big of a deal but, damn, moron.
And it gets worse. Ish. Slightly later, guy busts into the kitchen banging his wang on a tupperware container. Now, I have no problem seeing a guy's dick. Depending on how the party's going, it can be a logical step (although my husband's supposed to be there initially so we're sure everything's cool), but some doofus drumming it on things is just juvenile and idiotic. So I slapped him and told him to put that away or I'd remove it for him. The rest of the party guests found this moderately hilarious. I figured, if nothing else, this meant he'd leave me alone now. But no. In fact, when I later went to Mr. B's room to sleep for a while (he was in the computer room talking to another girl and doesn't usually go to sleep until the morning at these things, so his bedroom is workable for people like me who need to sleep for a couple of hours before driving home), doofus crawled into bed with me. Now, Mr. B has a fairly big bed (significant swank furniture upgrade fairly recently) and enough people had explained to him that he really shouldn't fuck with me so he didn't touch me, but I couldn't actually sleep either. I just laid there listening to the ambient party racket until about 6:30 am when I got up and went home.
In any case, the whole experience very much screwed up the party vibe for me. Sigh.

DAMMIT! That was MY Tupperware! I brought tarts from work! Now they'll have to be destroyed.
To say the least.