Well, the labret turned out to be NFG. Slight allergic reaction to trace nickel in the stainless steel in the jewelry combined with naturally occurring oral bacteria resulting in nasty pustules inside my lip. Ew! Took the thing out and the pustules went away in a few hours. Sigh. Moral of this story: if I get anything else pierced, I have to shell out the extra money and order jewelry ahead of time so I can use titanium.
Otherwise, my contract got renewed, so I have a job for next year. Hooray! I've also just discovered Guitar Hero (yeah, I know, I'm a little slow) and am playing that obsessively. My husband is now not sure whether he should get me another season of CSI of my own copy of Guitar Hero (I'm currenlty borrowing danny_g's). I can only really do medium right now, so playing on hard with Michele the other night was bloody difficult. My scores were terrible. Lavonne is also better than me, but we at least both play on the same level.
My sister's visiting, too, which is fun. I almost killed her at the gym, though. I'm training for a tiny wee triathlon, so I've been doing biking and then running one right after the other. She's not used to that, and the switch caused her some issues. I felt bad.
Oh, and I got a new tattoo.

Otherwise, my contract got renewed, so I have a job for next year. Hooray! I've also just discovered Guitar Hero (yeah, I know, I'm a little slow) and am playing that obsessively. My husband is now not sure whether he should get me another season of CSI of my own copy of Guitar Hero (I'm currenlty borrowing danny_g's). I can only really do medium right now, so playing on hard with Michele the other night was bloody difficult. My scores were terrible. Lavonne is also better than me, but we at least both play on the same level.
My sister's visiting, too, which is fun. I almost killed her at the gym, though. I'm training for a tiny wee triathlon, so I've been doing biking and then running one right after the other. She's not used to that, and the switch caused her some issues. I felt bad.
Oh, and I got a new tattoo.

Nice new tattoo by the way!