Great God that hurt!
A bunch of us went out to play frisbee in Prince's Island Park on Monday. Well, I mostly watched frisbee. Anyway, one friend provided bug repellent so we didn't get eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I did not put on any sunscreen. After about two and a half hours of sitting around in shorts, my thighs started to get sunburnt. We were there for about another hour. So, yeah, got a sunburn. Not a blistering, peeling kind of sunburn, but still a man-I'm-going-through-a-lot-of-lotion, please-don't-touch-it kind of sunburn.
On Tuesday, my fianc and I started classes to get our PADI Advanced certification. Since we're doing all the dives here in Canada, this involves dry suits. The kind we're using come in two parts - fuzzy underwear that keeps you warm and a thick rubbery outer layer that keeps you dry. We got to try them out in the pool Tuesday night but, since we weren't in cold water, we didn't wear the fuzzy underwear layer. When you put a person in a dry suit in water, all the air trapped in it rises to the top and the bottom part compresses. You look like the Michelin Man around the shoulders and your legs are shrink wrapped.
Recall the sunburn on my legs.
As I said, Great God that hurt! By the end of the night I had creases from the drysuit molded into my poor, tender flesh. Anytime I actually had to do any kicking I had to brace myself mentally for the huge flash of pain that would be involved. Taking off my BCD (buoancy vest) and putting it back on while wearing an extra 30 or so pounds of weight to compensate for the air trapped by my dry suit involved a lot of thrashing around, which was so not fun.
And to top it all off, the blinkin' thing leaks because some doofus that was way larger than me cut off some the wrist seals so his hands would fit. If I move my hands away from my chest, air rushes out and water rushes in. Idiot.
In other news, I'm enjoying sleeping in on my summer vacation.
Also, the bridesmaid dresses are no longer theoretical entities on order and are in my closet. Yay! Now if only my dress would show up. Also, I'm going to see The Phantom of the Opera tonight with my fianc and the in-laws.
I love musicals.
Okay, off to go exchange non-dry suit. Talk to you later!
A bunch of us went out to play frisbee in Prince's Island Park on Monday. Well, I mostly watched frisbee. Anyway, one friend provided bug repellent so we didn't get eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I did not put on any sunscreen. After about two and a half hours of sitting around in shorts, my thighs started to get sunburnt. We were there for about another hour. So, yeah, got a sunburn. Not a blistering, peeling kind of sunburn, but still a man-I'm-going-through-a-lot-of-lotion, please-don't-touch-it kind of sunburn.
On Tuesday, my fianc and I started classes to get our PADI Advanced certification. Since we're doing all the dives here in Canada, this involves dry suits. The kind we're using come in two parts - fuzzy underwear that keeps you warm and a thick rubbery outer layer that keeps you dry. We got to try them out in the pool Tuesday night but, since we weren't in cold water, we didn't wear the fuzzy underwear layer. When you put a person in a dry suit in water, all the air trapped in it rises to the top and the bottom part compresses. You look like the Michelin Man around the shoulders and your legs are shrink wrapped.
Recall the sunburn on my legs.
As I said, Great God that hurt! By the end of the night I had creases from the drysuit molded into my poor, tender flesh. Anytime I actually had to do any kicking I had to brace myself mentally for the huge flash of pain that would be involved. Taking off my BCD (buoancy vest) and putting it back on while wearing an extra 30 or so pounds of weight to compensate for the air trapped by my dry suit involved a lot of thrashing around, which was so not fun.
And to top it all off, the blinkin' thing leaks because some doofus that was way larger than me cut off some the wrist seals so his hands would fit. If I move my hands away from my chest, air rushes out and water rushes in. Idiot.
In other news, I'm enjoying sleeping in on my summer vacation.

Okay, off to go exchange non-dry suit. Talk to you later!
Ha ha. Your sunburn causes more pain than mine. Now if only these stabbing stomach pains would go the frack away, I'd be getting somewhere.