Argh. I need to learn to be more assertive. Now danny_g, before you start saying that you can't get any more assertive than, "HULK SMASH!" (danny_g claims I am the Incredible Hulk because I can beat him up - I don't know that this qualifies), I'm speaking in terms of employment, not life in general.
Translation: work has been jerking me around.
I got a call last Thursday saying that HR had given my name to these people and that they would like me to send in a rsum as they had a position open. Also, when would be a good time for them to call to phone interview me the next day? I sent them my stuff and suggested a time frame.
Friday, they call and say my rsum looks good, would I like to come in and fill in for someone who was going to be away on Monday as sort of a trial thing? I said okay.
Monday I find out that I am "filling in" for the person who was filling in for someone who went on maternity leave. What happened to the original replacement? He got FIRED. Which means I am now expected to pick up after him and have absolutely no idea what he was doing before and / or where I should start. Gah! Anyway, I roll with it, figure out what's going on and such. I figure there's a decent chance I'll get the job since they're obviously so desparate.
Tuesday they tell me there are other candidates and that they'll tell me if I get the job on Wendesday.
Wednesday they tell me they're having trouble contacting people's references.
Thursday they tell they'll tell me Friday, but that I should assume the job is mine and start doing all the planning for the next three months.
Friday (today), they tell me they'll probably have someone else that can start at the end of April, but would I be willing to stay until then? Oh yes, and since this new person will have just graduated from university, could I please still do all the planning for the rest of the year so they'll know where to pick up? And if they interview new person and discover they suck, then they'll hire me for the rest of the year.
And did I tell them to take a flying leap? Either hire me or don't, but quit messing around? Don't try to make me do all the paper work and then not give me the real job? Take this job and shove it?
No. I said yes. I am such a pushover. I am going to get a real reference to put on my rsum instead of just practicum stuff from university, but that's about it.
God damn it!
And what was the reason that a newbie would be better than me? I am insufficiently francophone. I should point out that I had been doing my job in French for FOUR DAYS by this time. Huh? Sure, my French isn't spectacular, but it's okay, and the people I'm working with said it was better than the last guy's. Granted, they fired him, but that was because he didn't know anything about the job, not because he didn't know enough French.

I think I'll get a new tattoo after this is over. I'll have their money, I may as well do something cool with it since I don't think I'm going to be getting any job satisfaction.
P. S. My profile picture is now a picture of a baby tangle tree (like in Piers Anthony's Xanth series) that I drew. My old picture didn't really represent what I look like now, either, so I figured I might as well abondon that premise entirely.