Well, Evita's done. After the last show I gleefully destoyed the bad hat. Wee!
Striking eveything was kind of slow for two reasons. One - way too damn many costumes. That took quite some time to sort out. Two - technical buffoons. I volunteered my fianc (No, he's not included in the buffons. He was just a victim.) to help take down lights since he wanted to come to the cast party but didn't want to actually pay to see the show. I didn't realize I volunteered him for such a long procedure. When U-Boat of the Soul wrapped, he and a couple of other guys took down more lights than Evita had in about 45 minutes to an hour. Guess how long Evita took. Three hours! What the heck, man?! He was one of the last people to get to the cast party. I felt bad.
The cast party itself was...okay. Fortunately, the director and other people spent a lot less time congratulating everybody than I expected. I was worried that was going to take three hours, too. Some stupid girl sang "The Phantom of the Opera" as karaoke. Don't do that! You can't hit that note! I know you think you can but, trust me, it's way flat. I met the boyfriend of one of the cast members, who has a theatre company of his own. I thought, "Cool! Networking opportunity." Turns out he's a big dork. A big dork who can't find techs. Needless to say, when he asked me to stage manage for him, I said no. All in all, I think Scorpio has definitely thrown better parties.
I then spent a day or two having post-show depression. Sigh. I hate that part. Then I started the book that the guy who played Magaldi lent me. It was a sufficient distraction for a day or so, which was long enough, because then I had the next round of Scorpio auditions to do. Those only contained one major but-I-really-want-to-cast-this-person-and-I-can't moment, which is good, I guess. Anyway, we have a cast and a rehearsal schedule, so all is good. I'm not officially back into rehearsal mode until first read-through, which is Sunday, though. And no, there will be no show plug. Not yet. The show's in May. I'll start bothering people about it a little closer to.
I think that's about it for now. Talk to you all soon!

And snow and snow and...snow!
How about I clear my hell shifts first, okay sunshine? Geez, you'd think I'd never been lazy or something... (and ps. you were in my home three days ago. Not recalling much interest in pictures then