First of all, a big thank you to GirthmanCossey for making the Suicide Boys Favourites a reality. Wee! You rock!
Second,a small rant. What is it with men claiming other women are uncomfortable with something when it's actually their issue? This has happened to me twice in recent history. Once was a male friend claiming my kissing another girl had made my little sister uncomfortable. I asked her. Nope. Totally his problem, not hers, but heaven forbid he say it made him uncomfortable. Same sort of situation whistling at a girl in lingerie (it was her costume, and I wasn't the only one who did it) at rehearsal the other day. I asked her, she was not uncomfortable. Some other guy was, though, enough to not only scold me for it but to tell the director and have him scold the entire cast. I'd like to think the girl in question would have mentioned her lack of discomfiture at the public scolding except that she happened to be getting lunch at the time and only heard about it afterward.
As a side note, if you are an actor and are embarrassed about being in your underwear on stage, choose another field.
Anyway, danny_g explained it to me like this: taking the blame for your own foibles isn't manly. Foisting them off on a girl makes it look like chivalry. This is possible, but it's still crap. To quote U-Boat of the Soul, "Why is your repression ruining our fun?" As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm annoyed.
And now, the "Seven Things" Lists, as I have been tagged.
Seven things to do before I die
1) Go to Australia
2) Go back to London
3) Get married (this one's in progress)
4) Have a baby
5) Do another Fringe tour
6) Be someone other people respect
7) Be less fat (I will never be "conventionally beautiful," but that doesn't mean I can't be less fat.)
Seven things I cannot do
1) Watch Gremlins (Gremlins are scary. Well, not Gizmo, but the other ones.)
2) Splits (my cheerleading flexibility has forsaken me)
3) Ignore a potential disaster that I could fix
4) Stop taking things personally
5) Be a strong as I wish I was
6) Be incommunicado for any length of time
7) Draw
Seven things that attract me to Calgary
1) My fianc
2) My sister
3) danny_g
4) Scorpio (subset of #3)
5) Mountains
6) Summer will come eventually.
7) Inertia (I hate moving and I'm already here.)
4. Seven things I say most often
1) Bloody hell anyways!
2) What in high heck...
3) Oh, for crying out loud!
4) Kill all humans.
5) ...and whatnot.
6) Blinkin'
7) I'm sorry.
5. Seven books (or series) that I love
1) Stranger in a Strange Land
2) Discworld
3) Neverwhere
4) Anything by Guy Gavriel Kay (I'm going through those at high speed right now.)
5) The Lord of the Rings
6) Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs
7) Anything by David Eddings (I like fluff fantasy, so sue me.)
6. Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1) The Silence of the Lambs
2) The Dark Crystal
3) The Lord of the Rings (all of them)
4) Legends of the Fall
5) The Neverending Story
6) The Land Before Time (only the first one)
7) Shrek
7. Seven people I want to join in, too