New Year's Eve was excellent fun! I partied but was not unduly hung over, hung out with a bunch of fun people, and met some theatre techs. Wee!
Oh, and if you haven't seen this picture yet, you really should check it out. It's a combination of the funniest thing ever (and quite a good picture of danny_g, to boot) and everything that is wrong with white people trying to act gangsta.
Otherwise, I'm annoying the hell out of my fianc by reverting to total nocturnal habits in my stretch of vaction. I go back to work on the 9th, at which point I'll have to pretend to be a morning person again. Until then, I'm enjoying playing puzzle games until four in the morning.
I once again have the opoortunity to do two shows at once and see if I die. I sort of already did, since I've been told I can join the chorus of Morpheus' next Gilbert and Sullivan show once Evita wraps. Yay for more singing! However, the director of Hair (Front Row Centre's next show) came to Evita rehearsal on Tuesday and actually asked me to audition. Cool! I am so pleased. I don't know if I'll even physically be able to do Hair at the same time as Pride and Prima Donnas (Scorpio's next show, which I'm musical directing), but I figure I'll audition and see how that goes first. Perhaps they won't cast me. If I have a decision to make later, I will.
Well, off to go acquire food before rehearsal. Bye all!