I love it. Really beginning to feel settled here, though I did move across the river to Vancouver WA. But still have so much to explore. It has definitely been an experience.
so I started back at my old job at CVS...There is a new head pharmasist there, and they acted soooo glad to have me back...you wanna know why? Because the new boss is a BITCH and she keeps making people quit. So just about everyone there is new, and not completely trained.....Well after a couple of weeks working back... Read More
My flower has been fertilized, it has bloomed with the help of
ok, that sounded kinda weird, right? giggidy giddidy OH YEAH ( as quagmeyer would say)
I am talking about my flower tattoo that i've been meaning to finish for like six months...it looks purdy...it is on my calf and has a skull for a face and is kinda dying with a... Read More
if i had once universal piece of advice it would be this: "take care of your teeth"
yesterday I had a root canal.......i went in thinking it would be that bad because it was a front tooth with only one small root........boy was i WRONG (the only reason i thought that is because I had a root canal on a molar with... Read More
YIkes!! I'm sorry but we all learned a lesson!! Thanks!!! I do need to go for my check up... the worst part about going to the dentist is those damn xrays!!! ugh
Yea, I've been gone ...lots of lameness. The good thing is that you'll NEVER had to go through that again!! I am sorry and hope you're feeling better.
my piece of shite car is in the shop.....so I get to drive the bf's truck....It is kinda fun, never had a truck before, it is a GMC don't know the year, but i feel all big and grrr like i could run over stupid people...and it has glass packs on it so it is LOUD and MANLY, hehehehe....
I'm back from the dead, muwhahahahahaha........miss me ??? i've been in a not good place for a while, but i'm alright now....
I hate my job, there are soooo many stupid people there, wanna hear some fucked up shit?? some stupid bitch at my work called occupational health and told them i was spreading staph (which is not an std) , what the FUCK?!?!?!? The... Read More