I'm not in a lot of my own pictures anymore except for selfies, but here's a nice pic of me walking away ;) from January.
Sooooo, it took me a while to fill this but finally here we are ^_^
I was tagged by the gorgeous @prettyneurotic <3
1. Do you like blue cheese? not really U_U sorry!
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke but once in a long while, specially with Pizza
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? I can't remember :/
5. What do you think of hot dogs? love hot dogs, specially the way they are made in Maracaibo - Venezuela
6. Favorite TV show? Right now I've been really enjoying Castle Rock
7. Favorite Movie? this is a hard one :/ I'm gonna keep it from this year so far, I think I'm between: Sorry to Bother you, Isle of Dogs and Black Panther. My favorite movie ever was for the longest time, what dreams may come.
8. What do you drink in the morning? Water followed by Coffee if I go to work.
9. Can you do a push up? nah
10 Favorite jewelry? Earrings :)
11. Favorite hobbies? Taking photos, painting, baking.
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? I don't think so
13. Do you wear glasses? sometimes
14. Favorite cartoon character? Garfield or Stewy
15. Three things I did today? Painted a card for a friend, walked my dog to the mail office to ship the card ;) and baked a brownie!
17. Three things you drink regularly? Water, coffee, tangerine juice
18. Current dislike? how the government of my country keeps fucking everybody (Venezuela)
19. Favorite place to go? The beach <3
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I can't recall tbh
21. Where would you like to go? to so many places, Hawaii again, visiting my friends in Prague, Colombia, Costa Rica, seeing my family again in Venezuela, Argentina, going back to the island of Aruba, Spain, Italy.... I could go on.
22. Name five people who will do this? Idk maybe @dk I'd love maybe for @asteria to do it too? @remod66 @hunnibee
23. Favorite color? currently Yellow
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? (?)
25. Can you whistle? Yes but not like super loud
26. What are you doing right now? Digesting my brownie as I type this :)
27. Would you be a pirate? depending on the context of how we are using the word pirate ;)
28. Favorite food? I think in short: pasta, arepas, plantains, chocolate chip muffins and chocolate cake.
29. Last thing that made you laugh? I asked my husbad who was he talking to, he answered "the internet"
30. Last time you received flowers? Husband for my birthday :)
31. Most recent injury? Last year where I damaged my wrist for a few weeks :)
32. How many pets are in your house? 2, 1 dog and 1 parakeet
33. Worst pain ever? physical, the wrist I mentioned above or the kidney stones, emotionally, losing my dad
34. Do you like to dance? yas!
35. Are your parents still alive? My mom is
36. Do you love your life? Yeah, only wish I could bring my mom and siblings all up to Oakland.
37. Summer or Winter? Summer
38. How many grandchildren do you have? None, unless cats and dogs count!
39. Car or Van? I'd love a VW Van <3
40. People Person? sometimes, it depends on the people... too many asshats in this world.
And last but not least, I don't think I had show you guys this shot of @cooky I took of her last winter in Weed, CA, she's the real winter trooper and an amazing gal altogether, go leave her tons of love <3 it was freezing and she looks so efortless in this shot and pretty much 90% of the shots I got.
How was your weekend??? tell me in the comments!
Also feel free to leave me more love in my member review sets, I'm hoping to shoot more this fall/winter but would like to buy a new lens for producing more quality work <3