So it's October 2013, after a not so long drive (in comparison to the one that the other hopefuls and some photographers did up to the spot) my drive was fine. It got super foggy the last 25 minutes but it was a nice place in a horse ranch near the ocean in north California, a shootfest the lovely @nubia organized and at least there were 10 hopefuls or so.
I'll keep it short to @kekili's set only since is the one live today ;) Kekili - La Flaca go check it out and let us know what did you like? and how cute is @kekili, isn't she?
Anyway, I arrived a bit late due traffic, school and what not. I talk to both @Myzaree and @Kekili, about my ideas for their sets.
The next day it was the time to shoot @kekili set, I took everything apart from the bed: pillows, sheets, comforter, everything.
I styled her very simple, @kekili told me she didn't wear make up and even though i'm not the girliest girl either, Myzaree helped me convince her to do some tiny make up, and we ended up with a super gorgeous @kekili ready to rock it
In this awesome bodysuit i bought months before for shoots and what not, we just start talking and I tell her sometimes what to do, or where to look, sometimes I sang a bit, asked her questions, we laughed at times and @zorro held the bouncer for a bit. Honestly for me I understand to an extend what is to be in front of the camera, there is a point of vulnerability at times and for some people (I have done mostly self-portraits, cause I just feel weird with others taking my picture anyway) but I also feel that after shooting, there is a new bond of confidence and happiness between the model and the photographer.
So yeah :) go check the lovely @kekili in her new set, I leave you with some pics :)
@MerryBoudoir for my boudoir photography on Instagram
@MGainza for my real life :)