** UPDATE **
My Dad passed a gallstone during the night and is starting to feel better eventhough he's way too weak to go home for Christmas...my Mom who is 72 will be spending Xmas alone and it upsets me and my siblings beyond words. Im happy to know that my Dad is on the way to recovery and I would like to think it cause of all your good thoughts and prayers...you guys are truly wonderful and I love you all so much <3<3<3
ps...my kids were playing the the Fun Zone at McDonalds last night and my youngest daughter, Julia, who is three bumped her nose on the way down the giant slide...blood went pouring everywhere and I almost ran over some guys kids in the process of running out of the playroom with my bloody kid...xmas is going to kill me.
Dec 22/10
My dad is sick in the hosiptal...he's the best dad in the whole world....he needs to get better and be home with my mom....Im a mess...please pray for my dad ..he deserves the best.

Hey, you're tough, so I'm putting my money on you to vanquish any hostile Christmases that may come along! 

Hey doll face! I love you! <3333 Have a fabulous holiday