how are some people so stupid? how does feeling sympathy for a group of people mean i'm defending their actions? it's no wonder a significant portion of the world hates us.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
i'm so good at making pasta while drunk. i haven't cut myself yet. … -
Saturday May 28, 2005
my week of hell is over. i picked strawberries today. i should make… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
yaaaaaaaaaaaay! i finally got my wireless card to work in linux. i'… -
Monday May 16, 2005
five graduations in two days. i'm so tired now. i bought a mortar a… -
Thursday May 12, 2005
the day after a wine tasting party isn't so pleasant. a $5 bottle… -
Monday May 09, 2005
Read More -
Thursday May 05, 2005
it's 5.40, should i try to sleep? so much to do.... http://www.aban… -
Friday Apr 29, 2005
3 hours of sleep; blaaaaarg. leadbelly kept me company through the n… -
Sunday Apr 24, 2005
hoo haa was so awesome; however, cleaning up the next day in the pour… -
Sunday Apr 17, 2005
my cactus died and i accidently washed one of the house slugs down th…
I'm hungry.