So ... for the last 11 years I have had two jobs. With the new machine operator at work my hours have been cut back to the standard "40". I do not feel that it is a bad thing, but I am feeling very awkward. In some ways work is one thing I feel I am good at, so that has kept me looking for more in the past. I have to wait at least 90 days to re-apply at the store i was working at pt time, and I may figure out that it is not financially necessary. For now I am trying to line up several smaller tasks around the house like killing ants and washing pants. But basically I have ALOT of time to spend with my frisbeez. I am going to play a bunch and try to play this summer like a kid again ..
now back to PDGA to find some action
now back to PDGA to find some action
ha ha, porking
Damn, I missed the porking.