Here's a question for all of you, how many of you have taken the miracle cure for "social anxiety disorder" called Paxil? (Note: ten years ago 'social anxiety disorder" was called, "being shy")
A little info first: Paxil is an antidepressant drug known generically as paroxetine. It is in a class of drugs commonly referred to as SSRIs, which stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. This class of drugs includes such other drugs as Zoloft, Prozac, and Luvox.
As with every drug, Paxil has a few side affects, I've gone through and listed them here for you:
These were all originally listed on their now mysteriously pissadeared website, yet NONE of these side effects were listed in the old commercials that used to run shortly after 2000.
"Asthenia, abdominal pain, chest pain, back pain, chills, trauma, vasodilation, palpitation, sweating, rash, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, decreased appetitie, dyspepsia, flatulence, increased appetite, vomiting, myalgia, insomnia, somnolence, dizziness, tremor, nervousness, libido decreased, agitation, anxiety, abnormal dreams, concentration impaired, depersonalization, myoclonus, amnesia, pharyngitis, yawn, abnormal vision, taste perversion, abnormal ejaculation, dysmenorrhea, female genital disorder, impotence, urinary frequency, urination impaired, urinary tract infection, malaise, hypertension, syncope, tachycardia, bradycardia, hematoma, migraine, angina pectoris, arrhythmia nodal, atrial fibrillation, bundle branch block, cerebral ischemia, cerebrovascular accident, congestive heart failure, heart block, low cardiac output, myocardial infarct, myocardial ischemis, pallor, phlebitis, pulmonary embolus, bruxism, colitis, dysphagia, eructation, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gingivitis, increased salivation, liver function tests abnormal, rectal hemorrhage, stomach ulcer, diabetes melititus, anemia, leukocytosis, leukopenia, iron deficiency anemia, weight gain, weight loss, arthritis, bursitis, generalized spasm (they're not even sure what that one is) emotional disfunction, vertigo, abnormal thinking, delirium, hallucinations, hostility, manic reaction, neurosis, paralysis, paranoid rection, psychosis, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, acne, contact dermatitis, ear pain, eye pain, breast pain, abortion,cystitis, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, vaginal moniliasis, vaginitis, breast atrophy, kidney pain, uterine spasm, vaginal hemorrhage...AND many, many more.
The most disturbing fact is that Paxil was allegedly designed to cure half of these side effects, but it only serves to induce them where they were not already present. All of this for a disorder that DOES NOT EXIST, but regardless, it "exists" now, it's existence only serves to line the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. and it does so quite well.
And the icing on the cake, stopping dosage of Paxil causes severe withdrawals, those symptoms include:
dizziness, extreme nausea, crying spells, light headedness, vertigo, coordination problems, gait disturbances, sweating, vomiting, high fever, abdominal discomfort, flu symptoms, agitation, tremulousness, irritability, aggression, sleep disturbance, nightmares, tremor, confusion, memory and concentration difficulties, lethargy, malaise, weakness, and general fatigue
So who brought this horrific "miracle drug" into existence?
Glaxo SmithKline
Think about that the next time you pop your meds without a second thought just because a doctor prescribed it for you.
Question everything. Always.
GSK doesn't want the consumer to know about the adverse affects because they are afraid that disclosure will steer people who they feel are "treatable" away. This decision i$ not their'$ to make, it'$ your$.
A little info first: Paxil is an antidepressant drug known generically as paroxetine. It is in a class of drugs commonly referred to as SSRIs, which stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. This class of drugs includes such other drugs as Zoloft, Prozac, and Luvox.
As with every drug, Paxil has a few side affects, I've gone through and listed them here for you:
These were all originally listed on their now mysteriously pissadeared website, yet NONE of these side effects were listed in the old commercials that used to run shortly after 2000.
"Asthenia, abdominal pain, chest pain, back pain, chills, trauma, vasodilation, palpitation, sweating, rash, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, decreased appetitie, dyspepsia, flatulence, increased appetite, vomiting, myalgia, insomnia, somnolence, dizziness, tremor, nervousness, libido decreased, agitation, anxiety, abnormal dreams, concentration impaired, depersonalization, myoclonus, amnesia, pharyngitis, yawn, abnormal vision, taste perversion, abnormal ejaculation, dysmenorrhea, female genital disorder, impotence, urinary frequency, urination impaired, urinary tract infection, malaise, hypertension, syncope, tachycardia, bradycardia, hematoma, migraine, angina pectoris, arrhythmia nodal, atrial fibrillation, bundle branch block, cerebral ischemia, cerebrovascular accident, congestive heart failure, heart block, low cardiac output, myocardial infarct, myocardial ischemis, pallor, phlebitis, pulmonary embolus, bruxism, colitis, dysphagia, eructation, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gingivitis, increased salivation, liver function tests abnormal, rectal hemorrhage, stomach ulcer, diabetes melititus, anemia, leukocytosis, leukopenia, iron deficiency anemia, weight gain, weight loss, arthritis, bursitis, generalized spasm (they're not even sure what that one is) emotional disfunction, vertigo, abnormal thinking, delirium, hallucinations, hostility, manic reaction, neurosis, paralysis, paranoid rection, psychosis, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, acne, contact dermatitis, ear pain, eye pain, breast pain, abortion,cystitis, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, vaginal moniliasis, vaginitis, breast atrophy, kidney pain, uterine spasm, vaginal hemorrhage...AND many, many more.
The most disturbing fact is that Paxil was allegedly designed to cure half of these side effects, but it only serves to induce them where they were not already present. All of this for a disorder that DOES NOT EXIST, but regardless, it "exists" now, it's existence only serves to line the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. and it does so quite well.
And the icing on the cake, stopping dosage of Paxil causes severe withdrawals, those symptoms include:
dizziness, extreme nausea, crying spells, light headedness, vertigo, coordination problems, gait disturbances, sweating, vomiting, high fever, abdominal discomfort, flu symptoms, agitation, tremulousness, irritability, aggression, sleep disturbance, nightmares, tremor, confusion, memory and concentration difficulties, lethargy, malaise, weakness, and general fatigue
So who brought this horrific "miracle drug" into existence?
Glaxo SmithKline
Think about that the next time you pop your meds without a second thought just because a doctor prescribed it for you.
Question everything. Always.
GSK doesn't want the consumer to know about the adverse affects because they are afraid that disclosure will steer people who they feel are "treatable" away. This decision i$ not their'$ to make, it'$ your$.
-booze doesn't have any side effe...oh wait.
Those symptoms had to be put on there because of legal crap... they have to list every everthing that everyone who has taken the drug has had. It's not quite as bad as you think...