It's getting cold here, on my way home some pavement I walked over glittered like disco fever, so pretty. But I'm not finding the cold too cold, I think I may have become desensitised. Everyone else is going on about how arctic it is, to me it's just cold. (I'm well 'ard, me.) Anyway, it's going to get a lot colder.
Firstly: I really don't like not replying to comments, and not keeping up with people here. My friends list seems to have shrunk, I know one person at least that dismissed me for being inattentive, at least I think that's why. You know this whole 20 random facts thing, I was willing someone to tag me. Me, me! Ooh ooh ooh, tag me! And then when someone finally did tag me it took them disappearing off my list for me to notice I'd been tagged.
Lately I am just too busy with all other types of lazing about that don't involve computers. I actually dread coming here sometimes, I'm bad/good at wasting time and this place is ridiculously helpful. And I feel guilty for not playing properly, which is ridicerous.
Today I had an obscenely indulgent day. I saw two films, bought books and fashion magazines*, ate japanese and then later italian. First film was William Eggleston in Real Life, inspiration. A quote, to be honest I can't entirely remember the context, "an unbalanced emotion between fear and love".
Second film was Factotum, it's great. Bukowski is inspiring, I should get around to reading some some day.
I'm not good at reading non-fiction, nor tense/unhappy fiction. I think Bukowski probably transcends that tho.
Ummm, I wrote this entry in my head on the way from the bus after my giganto-indulge-a-day, 10 mintues ago, and I can't remember half of it now. Don't ya hate that?
Ahhh, I remember, I had more apologising in mind, I do want to talk to so many of you, I shan't name names, and I hope you won't mind, I am just trying to focus on being productive with photography right now. The photos in Devon came out well, I shall post them later in the week.
I'm just such a brat that I wish you were all here when I am, so I can have lovely comment chats, right now, in my moment. Where are you all?? Right now! (I want answers.)
After the Eggleston film I decided I need a trip sometime in December, a documentary photography project. I really can't afford it tho, what with all the indulgence of late (expensive hair-do next week). My friend in Damascus needs a visit, really, before she returns in April next year. Tickets are far too expensive. Bleurgh.
*I have been advised that a good photographer (well, one who is even vaguely considering getting into fashion), should buy these mages. Makes sense. It's a little weird, I don't really see myself going into fashion, tho' I'm enjoying it at the moment. Those mags are so fat with ads and expensive too, but really it is nice looking at all the photos and thinking bout how that lighting effect might work well in my current project. Need more art books too, getting back into surrealist photography. Money.
Another quote I read today:
Let's be proud and friendly.
Pipilotti Rist
Firstly: I really don't like not replying to comments, and not keeping up with people here. My friends list seems to have shrunk, I know one person at least that dismissed me for being inattentive, at least I think that's why. You know this whole 20 random facts thing, I was willing someone to tag me. Me, me! Ooh ooh ooh, tag me! And then when someone finally did tag me it took them disappearing off my list for me to notice I'd been tagged.

Lately I am just too busy with all other types of lazing about that don't involve computers. I actually dread coming here sometimes, I'm bad/good at wasting time and this place is ridiculously helpful. And I feel guilty for not playing properly, which is ridicerous.
Today I had an obscenely indulgent day. I saw two films, bought books and fashion magazines*, ate japanese and then later italian. First film was William Eggleston in Real Life, inspiration. A quote, to be honest I can't entirely remember the context, "an unbalanced emotion between fear and love".

Second film was Factotum, it's great. Bukowski is inspiring, I should get around to reading some some day.
I'm not good at reading non-fiction, nor tense/unhappy fiction. I think Bukowski probably transcends that tho.
Ummm, I wrote this entry in my head on the way from the bus after my giganto-indulge-a-day, 10 mintues ago, and I can't remember half of it now. Don't ya hate that?
Ahhh, I remember, I had more apologising in mind, I do want to talk to so many of you, I shan't name names, and I hope you won't mind, I am just trying to focus on being productive with photography right now. The photos in Devon came out well, I shall post them later in the week.
I'm just such a brat that I wish you were all here when I am, so I can have lovely comment chats, right now, in my moment. Where are you all?? Right now! (I want answers.)
After the Eggleston film I decided I need a trip sometime in December, a documentary photography project. I really can't afford it tho, what with all the indulgence of late (expensive hair-do next week). My friend in Damascus needs a visit, really, before she returns in April next year. Tickets are far too expensive. Bleurgh.
*I have been advised that a good photographer (well, one who is even vaguely considering getting into fashion), should buy these mages. Makes sense. It's a little weird, I don't really see myself going into fashion, tho' I'm enjoying it at the moment. Those mags are so fat with ads and expensive too, but really it is nice looking at all the photos and thinking bout how that lighting effect might work well in my current project. Need more art books too, getting back into surrealist photography. Money.
Another quote I read today:
Let's be proud and friendly.
Pipilotti Rist
no, never a real magician as such, although i can sometimes make spooky things happen.
and now i'm a musician, which sounds the same.
so am i your friend yet?