i don't think that 'us' has treated them badly. i think the government has been going about solving the problem in the wrong way. giving them mass amounts of money and putting them on a reservation. there is so much corruption within the bands on reservation. band leaders are keeping money for themselves and also buying their relatives trucks and things. most are alcoholics and have little or no education.
kids i went to school with where given a weekly allowance to be there and still skipped class. they have come to the mentality that because the government with always feed, house, and clothe them, that they don't need to go to school, get a job, or further themselves.
you have to remember that natives were a more primative peoples not because of anything but the fact that they had strong cultural and 'religious' for lack of a better word, beliefs and therefore, stayed at the same point in their growth until europeans came and shocked them into a more developed (not saying better) lifestyle. This is still having a ripple effect. an example is the fact that alcohol effects them on a different level because their diets consisted mostly of meat and therefore wheat products are harsher on their systems.
baaahhh...i've gone on for too long! anyways, you probably know this crap already...sometimes i think i just like to hear myself type (hehe)
kids i went to school with where given a weekly allowance to be there and still skipped class. they have come to the mentality that because the government with always feed, house, and clothe them, that they don't need to go to school, get a job, or further themselves.
you have to remember that natives were a more primative peoples not because of anything but the fact that they had strong cultural and 'religious' for lack of a better word, beliefs and therefore, stayed at the same point in their growth until europeans came and shocked them into a more developed (not saying better) lifestyle. This is still having a ripple effect. an example is the fact that alcohol effects them on a different level because their diets consisted mostly of meat and therefore wheat products are harsher on their systems.
baaahhh...i've gone on for too long! anyways, you probably know this crap already...sometimes i think i just like to hear myself type (hehe)
later hun