haven't been around much of late. Life has intervened. Between work, the girl and more work, life has been hectic.
Work is ramping up and has been extremely busy of late. Alot of training and military exercises to train for a deployment I won't be making. It makes for some long and tedious days. If you never have to write a CASREP in your life, then be happy.
Still, all of these hours are just fine by me. I have one more underway left and then, (drumroll please), I'm free. Free to go to shore duty at least. A desk job here in San Diego for three years. Thank Steve... So happy to be getting off this ship. Not that its terrible, but being away from everyone and everything you know for months on end gets old. So, off to chill on this amazing thing you guys call land for awhile.
The relationship is going well. I am perfectly content with my situation and so, it seems, is she. We just hang out and do our thing and enjoy each other's company. I have no desire or need to be someone I am not to make something work, I am simply me around her at all times. I still have an occasional pang of regret over losing my last girlfriend, but then I realize that I had to be someone she wanted me to be. Not who I was. I didn't think I would, but I found something better.
Love this girl.
Anyway, I shall endeavor to be around more than I have been. Hope you're all doing well.
Later Gators...
Work is ramping up and has been extremely busy of late. Alot of training and military exercises to train for a deployment I won't be making. It makes for some long and tedious days. If you never have to write a CASREP in your life, then be happy.
Still, all of these hours are just fine by me. I have one more underway left and then, (drumroll please), I'm free. Free to go to shore duty at least. A desk job here in San Diego for three years. Thank Steve... So happy to be getting off this ship. Not that its terrible, but being away from everyone and everything you know for months on end gets old. So, off to chill on this amazing thing you guys call land for awhile.
The relationship is going well. I am perfectly content with my situation and so, it seems, is she. We just hang out and do our thing and enjoy each other's company. I have no desire or need to be someone I am not to make something work, I am simply me around her at all times. I still have an occasional pang of regret over losing my last girlfriend, but then I realize that I had to be someone she wanted me to be. Not who I was. I didn't think I would, but I found something better.
Love this girl.
Anyway, I shall endeavor to be around more than I have been. Hope you're all doing well.
Later Gators...
Awesome shows, brother - especially the Foo Fighters/Serj Tankian show. I would have loved to been at one like that! 

Glad to hear things are going well. Hope to see you around again when things slow down for you.