Well hello there SG!
Man...I have a lot of catching up to do on blog homework...Sadly this blog won't be any :(( I suppose I need a spanking for being so behind on my work!!
Anyways! I just wanted to stop in and say hello. It seems like I haven't the time to give you the attention you all deserve. But that doesn't mean you haven't been on my mind!!
I even shot 2 sets with the lovely @ashleyflaigphotography the other day. One was Baymax themed and the other is Naruto themed. Though I use the term "themed" lightly because most of the clothing which bares the theme comes off fairly quickly lol. Regardless I think we got some amazing work done.
What's special about these sets is that they showcase my vitiligo which has gotten much worse in the last year due to my medical issues which is a whole other story haha. So it's spread from what used to be a small patch on my hip to pretty much all over. I refuse to have it edited out. 1. It would take forever for someone to do that and 2. It's part of me...I need to embrace it. And what better way to embrace it than share it with you guys!! I'm kind of excited to see what people think!
Not to mention for the Baymax one we utilized a mirror which I haven't done before. I love trying new things!! Plus she caught me smiling haha.
But yes..I'm still around and I stop in when I can. Just busy now that the holidays are creeping up.
You are always in my mind though SG. Miss you all and love you all!! *hugs*
Here's a few previews of the sets...you won't be seeing these sets until probably mid to late next year but it will be worth it! They are still in post processing and we may not use all these photos but at least this gives you an idea!
And here's the other one :)