- on Black Mirror in Television
- on do women really enjoy beards? in lifestyle
- on Black Mirror in Television
- on marajade's blog post
- on marajade's blog post
- on bloodywing's blog post
Well hello there!
It's 2018 now. Where did 2017 go? The time flew by so quickly, it didn't even seem like a full year. Last year I made some resolutions which I did keep pretty well and this year I think I was to expand on those!
The first one is my artwork. I now I have a website for my own artwork and do...
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Hey SG!
Wow it's been awhile huh? How has everyone been! I feel like I've been so out of touch with everyone! I lurk the babes daily on here but I've fallen so behind in my group discussions...it makes me sad! Real life has gotten in the way with so much!
Anyways, so many of you have been asking about sets from me. I actually...
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