I finally got my sumer school classes. I need to take 6 units of early childhood education classes to work at girl's inc. I couldn't get into the online ones, so four days a week my schedule is as follows:
6:30 wake up, get presentable.
7:30 20 minute drive
8:00 get to work on time (hopefully)
5:30 leave work. 15 minute drive.
6:00 get to...
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Herpetoculture makes me very happy
Right now I've got a pair of Rosario locality rosy boas, an unidentified mexican rosy of some kind, a mexican black kingsnake, and an albino san diego gopher snake.
I'm not allowed to have big snakes or venomous snakes where I live. I also do iguana rescue, though I haven't taken one in in quite a while.
Have any reptiles yourself?