Fast Times at Ridegemont High is possibly one of the funniest movies ever. I love it and I just can't get enough of it lately. I'm just a loser and I have no life, but I've been getting really good at golf lately. Yes, I golf. I know it's a yuppie sport but I have fun with it anyway and besides I love pissing all of the old people off with my terrible golf etiquite. I went to the EMP (Experience Music Project) a few days ago for the first time. I hated it. First of all it was much too expensive and second it was really small. I didn't expect for anything that I listen to to be there but even still the number of different artists that they cover is really small. I guess you just have to judge it for yourself. Anyway, I must be going now. Later, Mara
I used to always go down to the 9-hole course on Greenlake and play a couple of rounds. Not exactly the real thing, but it was perfect to just hit the ball and walk around on a lazy summer day.