My darling fiance bought me a new digital camera for Valentine's day. He took this picture while I was reading the instruction manual!
I swear my face isn't normally that flat, that's just my look of intense concentration that I adopt wilst trying to focus on anything technologically convuluted.
I have a day off tomorrow... Yessss.
[edit - wed 21/02/07 - 03:00] ran out of meds a few days ago. surprised i'm not foaming at the mouth yet. i am however:
seeing things, have constant nausea/verigo, brain zaps (fuckers), can't sleep, am much less coherant than usual, have less memory than usual so can't think of anything else!
oh, plus the obvious DIVE INTO THE BLACKEST PIT OF DEPRESSION. lawlz.
I don't really know what i'm gonna do. i work all week and the doctor's is closed at the weekends, plus i live the other side of town and don't drive, the next day off i have is.. next wednesday?
oh well, let's see what happens!
i'll keep you updated on my unravelling mental state.
effexor withdrawal = urgghh.
D: D: D:
Mine's bloody Jewish, to compliment the big nosed side of me!
At least my mom decided upon Ruth and not Miriam!!!!