Left this place for a bit...restructuring my new piece and it's a bitch... Why can't it always flow like honey from a duck's eye? Lately, it's like milking a cancerous hefer...painful for me and the object of work. Oh, well...once again into the breach.
I have a storefront studio in Pilsen, a very catholic part of Chicago. Every good Friday, literally thousands of people crowd the street and act out the Passion of the Christ. Everyone needs something to believe. I just find it very strange to celebrate and reenact the heinous death of a deity, then further celebrate every weekend by getting together to drink its blood and...
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The monkey sat on a pile of stones
He stared at the broken bone in his hand
The strains of a Vianese quartet moved out across the land
And he thought to himself:

Memory is a stranger
History is for fools

He cleaned his hand in a pool
Of holy writing
Turned his back on the garden
And headed out for the nearest town

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HF! SG's continue to amaze me with beauty, brawn and brains...
Booked more gigs in Atlanta, LA and San Francisco today. Might actually make a go of this writing/producer thing after all.

"Every thing we do is insignificant, but its most important that we do it."

My favorite quote from one of my favorite mentors. It's nihlisitc and populist in the same moment. Only Camille Paglia could undo such a perfect thought.

Take care SG's...
Back from North Carolina and Atlanta...manic depressive weather in Chicago, warm/cold warm/cold warm/cold...it's like dating Golem....my precious...he wants to hurt us...no he takes care of us.....

Well, I dig variety....otherwise I wouldn't be here, would I?

Thanks JennRose and Thistle for the comments.

JennRose, I found your story Hollow...very interesting take on our often vapid lives...or should say, how life creates hungry holes and we often fill them with...eh...empty calories?

Fucking can get you through...but connection on a cellular level...priceless....

Thistle, how can we nab some of your work?????

Take care!

i'll probably post another story in the near future, actually smile i have one that's really close to done; it just needs a couple of line edits and then i'll post it online. just haven't had time recently.
I just visited Jenn Rose's profile...and left inspired. I envy her inhibition and honesty at an age that I felt insecure and mawkish.

She writes fiction - and if her skill is on key with her passion, I'm sure we will all be purchasing her juice online at Amazon & BN...or even better, Barbara's...

Living off creativity is a mega-bitch...but that makes all the rewards...
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thank you smile kiss
it's nice to connect with another writer.
Read in the times that Burton's ex-girlfriend had a garage sale, selling off pieces of his private life. What to say? I guess if Burton didn't want his clay models, sissorhand harnesses and pumpkinheads to picked through, he could have cut a deal of his own...it just seems sad...

I just visited Jenn Rose's profile...and left inspired. I envy her inhibition and honesty at an age that I felt insecure and mawkish.

She writes fiction - and if her skill is on key with her passion, I'm sure we will all be purchasing her juice online at Amazon & BN...or even better, Barbara's...

Living off creativity is a mega-bitch...but that makes all the rewards much sweeter...write-on! Jenn Rose!
It's lovely, lovely Friday...and I'm entering this labrynth again. Hmmm....no comments...no activity on this journal so I feel as though I'm spilling my seed to the winds....

Yeah, like I haven't done that before.

There is some interest from a theatre company in Oregon to pick up my new play...that has me smiling. I'm ready to get back on the boards.

Before taking my daughter...
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