I am so not the man I was when I left this place all those years ago. I am a different person. This profile is that of a stranger. Someone who didn't know what he was doing or where he was going. How my out look to life, the world, love had changed. My photography had evolved into something more mature. Into serious topics about being alive, living with depression, sexuality, morality. Honour.
How jarring it is to see my old self so open with my feelings. So vulnerable....
so desperate to be needed, searching to find acknowledgement by being loved by someone.. I'm not the same person I was then. I have grown in some ways but in others died a little. It was perhaps the only way to survive then. Lost the little ways that made me me to those that knew me. So how bitter-sweet it is me to come back just for the day to look over the ashes of my past. It feels like almost returning to my old house, Untouched by time.