i just found $20 in the pocket of a pair of jeans i was about to wash. that means i can actually put gas in my car and buy food! i've been skating by on almost nothing for the last couple of weeks, and even though i've had some help, all that meant was i paid rent and bills on time. i actually had to go through boxes and floors and things to find change just to come up with the money to do anything. i found $9 in change, so thats how i was able to buy 2 (cheap)beers at the bar i went to over the weekend, then i had $6 dollars left on my Circle K paycard that bought me cigs and almost a gallon of gas yesterday, and i was down to my last 5 dollars and my car was almost on empty when i was coming home from work today so i had to put 3 dollars into it, so i only had a couple dollars left, BUT now i have $20!!!!!!!!!
that means i don't have to eat anymore piss-flavored ramen!( hehehe
i get paid my last Circle K check Thursday too, and even though i have to pay my car insurance, it's cheaper this time cause i paid more last time.
so lets hope that the thing i have to go to friday regarding my registration doesn't require me to pay money(and that they don't take my registration away). so then i'll be able to start paying people i owe money back and eventually one day i might actually be able to start saving some.
that means i don't have to eat anymore piss-flavored ramen!( hehehe

i get paid my last Circle K check Thursday too, and even though i have to pay my car insurance, it's cheaper this time cause i paid more last time.
so lets hope that the thing i have to go to friday regarding my registration doesn't require me to pay money(and that they don't take my registration away). so then i'll be able to start paying people i owe money back and eventually one day i might actually be able to start saving some.

Oh, I like that pic of you in your first album.
Let's see...what do I think. I think that everyone is different. Some people like to hang out with people more than others, and you have the right to some quiet time. I wouldn't get offended if you didn't want to hang out all the time, gods know I can get on anyone's last nerve. The only thing I recommend is to let people know that you just need alone time. Friends usually won't be put off by this, but letting them know tells them that you care about them enough to let them in on this secret so they don't have to worry about you. Of course, if you don't like the person, just tell them to piss off.
I can completely sympathize with wanting space and time to yourself. I'm like that, and when I really think about it, the rest of my family is like that too. I was raised in a house where people valued quiet time, and if someone disappeared into their room to read all night nobody thought they were depressed or antisocial or pissed off about something.
Trouble is, not everyone was raised like that.