Dear Oilers Fans:
Now I understand that most of you are decent folks who just want to see your team bring you some modicum of glory by proxy, and that you celebrate in the comfort of your own home, and this message is not for you, so please don't take offense by any of this.
This is directed at the motherfucking jackasses who think that it is proper behaviour to roar down the streets after the game honking your horns like some sort of Kubrick-esque ape, screaming and carrying on as if there was something of grand importance riding on the game. I can understand if the person who was actually responsible for the win wants to cheer and be wild, and I concede them that right- but the nimrod who sat in a bar slamming back pints doesn't really have a stake in the game. I would like to see the cops giving bank account crushing fines to the douchebags like this who are a blight on people who actually have to get up for work the next day and don't want someone elses celebration to interfere with their rights. I mean, I could get pretty cheerful if I got laid, but that doesnt give me the right to run down the street and wave my dick in some random bystanders face. So fuck you, rowdy Oilers fans, and I hope your team loses just so I don't have to hear you goddamned morons outside my window.
Now I understand that most of you are decent folks who just want to see your team bring you some modicum of glory by proxy, and that you celebrate in the comfort of your own home, and this message is not for you, so please don't take offense by any of this.
This is directed at the motherfucking jackasses who think that it is proper behaviour to roar down the streets after the game honking your horns like some sort of Kubrick-esque ape, screaming and carrying on as if there was something of grand importance riding on the game. I can understand if the person who was actually responsible for the win wants to cheer and be wild, and I concede them that right- but the nimrod who sat in a bar slamming back pints doesn't really have a stake in the game. I would like to see the cops giving bank account crushing fines to the douchebags like this who are a blight on people who actually have to get up for work the next day and don't want someone elses celebration to interfere with their rights. I mean, I could get pretty cheerful if I got laid, but that doesnt give me the right to run down the street and wave my dick in some random bystanders face. So fuck you, rowdy Oilers fans, and I hope your team loses just so I don't have to hear you goddamned morons outside my window.
Ahh, the joys of whyte ave living. Were you around for fridays game too... that was absolutely crazy. oddly enough i found sundays after game much calmer. wednesday is going to be crazy if oilers win again, maybe invest in some earplugs if you have to work on thursday.