You're driving. It's dark. It's raining. You took a turn back there. You're not sure if it was the right turn. But you took it.
Eventually it starts to get light. You slow down. You look around. You realize you have no idea where you are. So you stop at the next gas station and you say:
Please, can you tell me where I am?
In our country this is how we say hello. In our country this is also how we say goodbye. It is shorthand for:
Last night you were here, but when I woke up, you were gone.
In our country we send sounds and images of our people speaking our language into outer space.
Say hello.
I came home today and you were all on fire. Your hands glowed orange. Your hair shot sparks. Flames melted your feet.
I did not know what to do.
A thousand violins began to play, and then I REALLY did not know what to do.
So I decided to go out and walk the dog.
(Wow I'm back)

Eventually it starts to get light. You slow down. You look around. You realize you have no idea where you are. So you stop at the next gas station and you say:
Please, can you tell me where I am?
In our country this is how we say hello. In our country this is also how we say goodbye. It is shorthand for:
Last night you were here, but when I woke up, you were gone.
In our country we send sounds and images of our people speaking our language into outer space.
Say hello.
I came home today and you were all on fire. Your hands glowed orange. Your hair shot sparks. Flames melted your feet.
I did not know what to do.
A thousand violins began to play, and then I REALLY did not know what to do.
So I decided to go out and walk the dog.
(Wow I'm back)

