So I have been trying to make my way to Atlanta for like a month now. But the time all the events are seem to be in the afternoon. And I don't feel like rushing back home to get my son from the sitter late at night. Grr and all my friends are doing shit. This sucks.
Sorry to hear that...how long is your drive to Atlanta? Do you have any family/friends that your son could overnight with?
Thank goondess I had no outdoor activities planned this weekend. I feel like my part of Georgia is the marsh land, been getting so much rain lately. I actually put on a light jacket this morning. It better not rain next Saturday, I have an outdoor photo shoot.
I have been making a few friends on Fetlife.com. That is an interesting community. Going to be meeting with some people within the next two weeks, I cannot wait. So ready to take my stuff to the next level.
Sounds like promising things are developing! biggrin
We will definitely have to chat. when are you online?
SO I got an email this morning saying someone reactivated my account. Thats cool, I had to email SG support because I didn't know any of my login stuff. I was pregnant last time I was active on this account, and it has been almost 3 years ago. So now I'm trying to update all my stuff. I'm not trying to be an SG model...
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Practicing bondage, anal, lots of cock, sex in strange places, etc. It's made my sex life more adventurious. I look at things a whole new way. When we drive around I take notes about coming back to that location and filming there. Just had my eyes opened in a way. Being horny most of the time helps too. Just wishing to find people to share this with is all.
WOW! That is incredibly sexy and cool! How can we find your work? I'd love to see you in action! love
you're a beautiful mom to be
you were so so so close on the quote
that quote is actually from the unforgiven 2
I cannot believe that I am around 7 weeks before my baby is due. I am so sorry that I have not been on suicide girls recently at all. I have been so busy with school work and taking care of business around the house with my husband having diabetes. I hope to post some new stuff soon before my account expires.
Today I became 4 months and a week of being pregnant. I plan on doing another shoot for SG. I plan on letting it be known that there are hot moms-to-be that can be different and beautiful. I hope it goes over well. I tried to send in a set not to long ago but the way they accept resubmissions is different than it used...
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I am sorry that I have not been online that often recently. I have been busy with the holidays, my online class, talking to my hometown friends. I just wanted to say that I found out something exciting today.....I am pregnant. I still plan on trying to get a photo shoot done before the new year before I start filling out. I hope everyone else...
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I went and looked at SG Columbia's pictures. Especially her albums with her different hair styles. I think I have a crush on her, my hair has a small mowhawk going on right now but I have yet to pick an interesting color. I hope to one day get a chance to meet her....she is so HOT!
Do you ever feel like a loser? I do sometimes, I am in between and rock and a hard place right now. I want to be doing something great, but my military friends always seem to be skipping over me for something or someone else. Those bastards!
I think my next set I come up with will be more on the simple side and just try to have better lighting. I really hope that this time I get in, but if not then I hope to be after I move to Japan. I am looking forward to looking up photographers there once I am settled in. Is there a right and wrong...
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Hi. I really like your look! Good luck on becoming an S.G.

I think you should list your favorite bands even if they are really obscure ones. You might be suprised, the group of people on this site are knowledgeable about almost everything!

I did what you suggested and added more to my profile. I am still new to this, so if it doesn't seem like I have enough of something please tell me.