You know what kind of person truly confounds me?
Laid back, even tempered, "mellow" people - the ones that never get riled....never have a snit....not even a rush hour traffic jam blocked by construction aggravates people like this.
They "roll with the punches", "go with the flow", "take it easy".....
Calm and rational no matter what.
How do they DO it??
I mean - it's not like I'm a screeching freak show or anything. But I suppose I would be filed under "moody".
My Dad is like this. Nothing ever rattles him. He doesn't argue. If anyone tries to get confrontational, he just nods and smiles and does things his way, anyway.
I envy people like this sometimes. It'd be cool to just be able to shrug things off - to not let really much of anything get under your skin.
I mean - I like who I am - it's not so much a self-esteem thing. It's just....welll.....I would imagine that people like this suffer a lot less ulcers, headaches, insomnia, heartburn....
What about you guys?
Would you say you are more "laid back"......or more "moody"?
And do you guys think this this is just an inherent personality thing....or is it a learned skill?
Laid back, even tempered, "mellow" people - the ones that never get riled....never have a snit....not even a rush hour traffic jam blocked by construction aggravates people like this.
They "roll with the punches", "go with the flow", "take it easy".....
Calm and rational no matter what.
How do they DO it??
I mean - it's not like I'm a screeching freak show or anything. But I suppose I would be filed under "moody".

My Dad is like this. Nothing ever rattles him. He doesn't argue. If anyone tries to get confrontational, he just nods and smiles and does things his way, anyway.
I envy people like this sometimes. It'd be cool to just be able to shrug things off - to not let really much of anything get under your skin.
I mean - I like who I am - it's not so much a self-esteem thing. It's just....welll.....I would imagine that people like this suffer a lot less ulcers, headaches, insomnia, heartburn....
What about you guys?
Would you say you are more "laid back"......or more "moody"?
And do you guys think this this is just an inherent personality thing....or is it a learned skill?
You would never know this progress if you saw me driving in the car when there is a lot of traffic though. I figure someone has installed a lo-jack on my car without my knowledge and they track my movements so that all the slowest people can box me in.
I had a boyfriend once that was really, really easy going. It was nice on the one hand, because we never, ever fought about anything. But it was hard to get anything done, too ... like going to eat, for example. "Where do you want to eat?" "I don't know, where do you want to eat?" "Well, what kind of food do you want?" Endlessly. I would wind up getting frustrated and saying ... you know, this would be a lot easier if one of us had an f'n opinion! So the easy going thing can be taken too far as well.
My favorite part about my temper is ... my son, Steve, loves me to death. And he knows exactly how to defuse my temper quickly (if he chooses to ... I think sometimes he ENJOYS watching me pissed off). BUT, let someone start telling him about how cool I am, blah, blah ... he HATES having a cool mom ... and he will just calmly say, "Wait until my mom goes all 'When Animals Attack' on you. " I love that line and it is really hard to maintain anger when you're laughing your ass off.
You did see the pictures of the scratches from that last cat fight I had, didn't you? Were you on my friend's list yet? It was back in January, I think ... before I decided to be happy Suzy again. That was the first actual physical altercation I had had in some years, I suppose, and the only witness said ... Wow, I'm surprised you can fight like that at your age. Yeah, us old broads still have a little fight left in 'em!
Have a peaceful, easy-going day, babe!
i have ulcers (bad), have very fucked up sleeping patterns, and it IS a personality thing. (well inmy opinion). i get depressed a lot but nobody knows it!! im one of those peple that will smile at the world be your rock and then go cry myself to sleep. it takes a lot to get me going - im usually laughing at other people going "relax, everything's cool, its not a big deal."
Its NOT healthy!!
i think the reasons for my calm abilities go much deeper than that though - a conversation we'll most likely get into over lots of alcohol sometime after youve moved here!
Have a great day - and always - thanks for your comments!!