You know, it's a strange thing - no matter what my current life situation is......
...I'm always restless.
I don't mean to say that I'm unhappy, because I'm definately not. I love my husband more than life itself - he's my *soulmate* - interestingly enough, we came together just about the time that I had stopped believing such a thing existed.
After three years together, I wouldn't know how to get along without him.
I've held a lot of different types of jobs...gone to college three different times...moved around a lot...I've met so many varying sorts of people....
I just never feel....settled. I'm never *content* with the way things are.
It's like something in me never rests...something is always searching, always asking
"That's it?? No way. That can't be it. C'mon now......what's out there?
What's new and different and unusual and off the beaten path?"
I was always told that this is something I would "grow out of" - but seeing as how I'm...umm....*well past 30*
and it hasn't lessened in the least....I guess that isn't the case.
I spent most of my life restless, irritable, and discontent...thankfully the irritable part has gone away - well, at least the majority of the time
But the restlessness, and the not quite content parts...those are still very much a part of me.
I guess I'll always be looking for change - always asking "What else is out there?"
The coolest thing is, to me anyway - the world is full of people, and as much as I may claim to be a misanthrope...the fact of the matter is that people never fail to surprise me, no matter how long I have known them.
Sometimes it's aggravating...sometimes it's depressing...other times it's enlightening, and still other times it's a source of real joy.
It's certainly never boring.
...I'm always restless.
I don't mean to say that I'm unhappy, because I'm definately not. I love my husband more than life itself - he's my *soulmate* - interestingly enough, we came together just about the time that I had stopped believing such a thing existed.
After three years together, I wouldn't know how to get along without him.
I've held a lot of different types of jobs...gone to college three different times...moved around a lot...I've met so many varying sorts of people....
I just never feel....settled. I'm never *content* with the way things are.
It's like something in me never rests...something is always searching, always asking
"That's it?? No way. That can't be it. C'mon now......what's out there?
What's new and different and unusual and off the beaten path?"
I was always told that this is something I would "grow out of" - but seeing as how I'm...umm....*well past 30*

I spent most of my life restless, irritable, and discontent...thankfully the irritable part has gone away - well, at least the majority of the time

But the restlessness, and the not quite content parts...those are still very much a part of me.
I guess I'll always be looking for change - always asking "What else is out there?"
The coolest thing is, to me anyway - the world is full of people, and as much as I may claim to be a misanthrope...the fact of the matter is that people never fail to surprise me, no matter how long I have known them.
Sometimes it's aggravating...sometimes it's depressing...other times it's enlightening, and still other times it's a source of real joy.
It's certainly never boring.
How's the writing coming?