my marks are all back, i didn't do half bad i tell ya what.
i got a straight C in the class i thought i did real shitty in, that's better than both a D and an F. woo!
cool cool, no more math for this piece of subhuman trash.
my account expires sooooo soon. luckily i've been industriously downloading aaaaall my favorite pichas.
and i had a really amazing time at the record shop the other day. the man forgot the price on two cds i wanted (18 on one, 20 for the other) so he gave them to me for 10 bux each. merry christmas!
and i think im really good at drumming.
this is the central alberta rhythm section signing OUT.
my marks are all back, i didn't do half bad i tell ya what.
i got a straight C in the class i thought i did real shitty in, that's better than both a D and an F. woo!
cool cool, no more math for this piece of subhuman trash.
my account expires sooooo soon. luckily i've been industriously downloading aaaaall my favorite pichas.
and i had a really amazing time at the record shop the other day. the man forgot the price on two cds i wanted (18 on one, 20 for the other) so he gave them to me for 10 bux each. merry christmas!
and i think im really good at drumming.
this is the central alberta rhythm section signing OUT.
Merry Christmas!

Merry Chistmas, and thanks.