So I'm officially abandoning organized religion. I have decided, everything I need to know about life, I can take from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You may think I'm joking, but I'm not. Seriously. If you are a fan of the show, you will know there are no direct religious references, it is about Good vs. Evil. The use of the Cross sign is fairly ominous, they never really use a crucifix. But the second time she died, she believed she went to Heaven. Did she go to church every sunday? Did she pray? Did she wait until she was married to have sex or do all those ridiculous things that are on the checklist to go up instead of down in the afterlife? No. She fought evil, she did her best to save the world. I think the series was a great metaphor for all religion, not just Christianity. But Christians have turned me away from it for good, and I have begun to question the existence of God at all. A friend of mine pointed out that she believes that maybe at one time there WAS a god, but he has long since abandoned us. And I like her outlook. Because if I had created this earth, and looked down and saw what was happening to it, I too, would probably abandon.
the end.

the end.
**clap clap clap**