so I got ditched by the boy today. His ex who he is best friends with is "going out of town" so he wanted to spend time with her. About 30 seconds after he asked me to come pick him up at work. After we had made plans to spend the day together. Even though they work together, he sees her every day, and if you're trying to get to know someone you might possibly want to date, don't you think they would be somewhat of a priority? So I was pissed, cuz after I got the text about going to pick him up, I went and got pretty, only to find out his plans changed, "can we do this tomorrow?" No! I texted back "nah, nevermind. do what you gotta do. don't ever make plans with me again." And then I went and got this...
and I felt a little better. But of course since I felt better, I texted him back telling him I didn't mean to sound so bitchy and I ignored what people had warned me about him and that I don't appreciate being blown off so easily, and that I don't ask for much from him just would be enough to feel respected. Shouldn't have done that. But does it make me sound like a clingy drama queen potential girlfriend because I get mad that I made plans and I was ditched for his ex? I don't need any fuckin headaches from guys. I had enough of that with my own exes. I thought we were trying to "do this thing the right way"? Oh well. Least I got some new ink out of the deal. Fan fucking tastic.

and I felt a little better. But of course since I felt better, I texted him back telling him I didn't mean to sound so bitchy and I ignored what people had warned me about him and that I don't appreciate being blown off so easily, and that I don't ask for much from him just would be enough to feel respected. Shouldn't have done that. But does it make me sound like a clingy drama queen potential girlfriend because I get mad that I made plans and I was ditched for his ex? I don't need any fuckin headaches from guys. I had enough of that with my own exes. I thought we were trying to "do this thing the right way"? Oh well. Least I got some new ink out of the deal. Fan fucking tastic.
So how did he take all of this?