Went up for a day trip into New York City this past Saturday. First time I'd ever driven there, believe it or not. I'd always taken a bus or flight previously. Now, what that means in practical terms is that I had no idea what the hell to do with my car before I caught a train into the city proper. I'm trying to cut... Read More
Alright, well.... the whole full account of my Vietnam trip has just taken so long that I'm afraid my whole journal is getting out of date. I'll continue to update that story occasionally, and when I finish it, I'll link back to that entry from a new one to let you all know. This will also give Dwen time to get me the pictures.
OK! Now that I've had some time to settle back in (by which I mean, get back on North America time), here's the exciting stories of my stint in The Nam. This is going to be a massive, massive entry, so I'm dividing it up, and hiding the sections behind spoiler tags to make it a little more manageable.
yeah seriously i really do love cheese way too much, although i had an awesome vegan chocolate cake last night.... sounds like your time in vietnam was awesome too, put some pictures up! (and the pokies are slot machines)
Well, I'm back from Vietnam, and I'm alive, despite the best efforts of a monkey that really didn't like me.
Detailed update sometime soon, pictures thereafter. I have a few that I took already added to the Arbitrary Stuff folder; I'll get the rest when Dwen makes a CD of the ones she took.
ooooo Vietnam?!?!
i wish that i could go there!!
and yeah....when you get a chance....go see the Lucky Number SLeven...although i should have mentioned that it is a revenge movie [something i am fond of watching because i never get my own revenge] so it was an awesome revenge movie
i really liked it a lot
you might too....i think it was well done!
Been kinda busy lately, thus the lack of updating. Funny how the only times I have anything interesting for the journal, I don't have time to update it.
Anyway, as usual, I just don't feel like writing a whole drawn-out narrative, so I'll sort of condense it into a few bullet points here.
I did get a chance to see V For Vendetta a couple... Read More
No Aaraa this weekend; she was up in New York. Too bad, considering that I'm up in New York next weekend, and she's gone for quite a while shortly thereafter. I'd certainly like to see her again before she goes, but if not, well, absence makes the heart grow fonder, so by my calculations, by the time she gets back this summer she should be... Read More
Friday night, I went to a party up in Baltimore, where I spent pretty much the whole evening flirting with a cute little Hindi girl named Sonia who's a friend of Dave's. She lives in Philadelphia, but hey, she's still cute, so whatever. Apparently she's a medical research scientist up there, and works on bio-molecular sensors. Something about polymers... Read More
isn't it weird writing about someone when you know they're pretty much almost definitely going to read what you wrote? it kinda takes the point out of journal writing but whatever. so i'll have to put you in my journal now, come see what i wrote...
As you rightly suspected, I was flipping through the SG and member journal entries and basically clicking the first link in people's journals then stopped and read yours in full
Amazing what you do at 3am in the morning. And yes, I'd found Cristy's pic. She's in organic or inorganic chemistry?
Man, I'm tired lately. Dwen broke up with her long-time boyfriend, and to get over the habit of calling him every night before bed, now she calls me. (I am her human methadone treatment. I don't know if that's flattering or not.) Ah, well, if it'll cheer her back up before we go to 'Nam together, a little sleep now is a small price to... Read More
love Tea