so, I went to London, and, amongst other things, saw the Carravgio exhibition at the National Galleries. Despite having to fight throught the regulation 6 feet of shouting geriatric tourists, it was fascinating, and beautiful.
Carravagio: Gother Than You
I've also got contact lenses for the first time in years. which is weird, as
a) i've suddenly got peripheral vision, and the world seems to be scrolling past me when i walk innna matrix stylee
b)i'm so myopic that this is the first time in years I've seen my own face without specs on. i look old. but still kinda funny lookin'.
I've got a ridiculous amount of work on at the moment, and i'm also supposed to be:
- practising with band, with view to having first gig in a couple of weeks
-shooting a for-my-own-amusement film about Glasgow bands.
-organising a panel discussion event, taking place in 3 weeks time, with - as yet - no budget, no sponsorship and two speakers to fly up from London and accomodate. these are definately not people i can book on the national express and put up on my sofa.
- creating the material, and organising the tech for the massive audio-visual element of my mate's play, which is being staged at a 2000-capacity venue in august. to date i have nothing gathered/shot, and i can't even set my own VHS player. my dvds play through a commodore monitor.
so, what am i doing? i'm spending ages on here, them going home to watch amelie and eat moussaka. damn straight.
amazingly, i still find time to feel mopey and lonely. feh.

Carravagio: Gother Than You
I've also got contact lenses for the first time in years. which is weird, as
a) i've suddenly got peripheral vision, and the world seems to be scrolling past me when i walk innna matrix stylee
b)i'm so myopic that this is the first time in years I've seen my own face without specs on. i look old. but still kinda funny lookin'.
I've got a ridiculous amount of work on at the moment, and i'm also supposed to be:
- practising with band, with view to having first gig in a couple of weeks
-shooting a for-my-own-amusement film about Glasgow bands.
-organising a panel discussion event, taking place in 3 weeks time, with - as yet - no budget, no sponsorship and two speakers to fly up from London and accomodate. these are definately not people i can book on the national express and put up on my sofa.
- creating the material, and organising the tech for the massive audio-visual element of my mate's play, which is being staged at a 2000-capacity venue in august. to date i have nothing gathered/shot, and i can't even set my own VHS player. my dvds play through a commodore monitor.
so, what am i doing? i'm spending ages on here, them going home to watch amelie and eat moussaka. damn straight.
amazingly, i still find time to feel mopey and lonely. feh.
which will teach me to check in a bit more often.
Next time for sure, or just sometime randomly in the future....
x r
I loved:
Yes, swagger the nut-strewn roads,
Crouch in the fo'c'sle
Stubbly with goodness
Where's it from?
I will write soon about my many lives.
Yes, party kinda sorted. How's all your stuff coming along? Seemed like you had a massive amount of committments.