not even going to try to make this one comprehensible...
"it is not the beginning of the end, but rather the end of the beginning" - this has been going 'round in my head today. i think i'm having some sort of gen-y-mid-youth crisis
^^in my head that quote's being spoken by winston churchill. it's going to turn out to be from Spaceballs or something, isn't it?
i've got a new-old coat, which is good 'cos the old one was held together by about three threads and was leaving a train of leather flakes everywhere i went. the new-old coat has a collar i think might be real fox fur. i got it years ago from an aged relative ( my aunt trudy, i replied... ) , so i console myself that the thing's been dead since well before I was born. means my outerwear is very topical too.
finally saw 'The Life Aquatic' last night and it was vun-der-fullllll. god, i love wes anderson. if he'd let me i'd just follow him around all day, applauding. maybe i should write him a letter and ask if i can. and owen wilson. how can you have your nose broken 6 times and still look like that? fuck. and he's becoming such a good, understated comic actor. and he can write too. i mean honestly. what a *complete*bastard*
ah, and angelica huston. i have high hopes that angelina jolie is going to sack her agent, stop making such fucking dreadful career choices and blossom into her generation's angelica. but i also think keanu reeves might turn out to be quite a good actor in the next few years, so you might not want to listen to me. although you might as I WAS SAYING BILL MURRAY WAS A GOD YEARS BEFORE RUSHMORE.
They should scrap Film 2005 and just have me on, jumping up and down and shouting.

"it is not the beginning of the end, but rather the end of the beginning" - this has been going 'round in my head today. i think i'm having some sort of gen-y-mid-youth crisis
^^in my head that quote's being spoken by winston churchill. it's going to turn out to be from Spaceballs or something, isn't it?
i've got a new-old coat, which is good 'cos the old one was held together by about three threads and was leaving a train of leather flakes everywhere i went. the new-old coat has a collar i think might be real fox fur. i got it years ago from an aged relative ( my aunt trudy, i replied... ) , so i console myself that the thing's been dead since well before I was born. means my outerwear is very topical too.
finally saw 'The Life Aquatic' last night and it was vun-der-fullllll. god, i love wes anderson. if he'd let me i'd just follow him around all day, applauding. maybe i should write him a letter and ask if i can. and owen wilson. how can you have your nose broken 6 times and still look like that? fuck. and he's becoming such a good, understated comic actor. and he can write too. i mean honestly. what a *complete*bastard*

ah, and angelica huston. i have high hopes that angelina jolie is going to sack her agent, stop making such fucking dreadful career choices and blossom into her generation's angelica. but i also think keanu reeves might turn out to be quite a good actor in the next few years, so you might not want to listen to me. although you might as I WAS SAYING BILL MURRAY WAS A GOD YEARS BEFORE RUSHMORE.
They should scrap Film 2005 and just have me on, jumping up and down and shouting.

Thought I'd pop by and see how you're doing. I think I'm borrowing your mid-youth crisis.... I just turned twenty-five and since then everything's kinda been heading south for the winter. There's that thing in Fight Club, I think, about being able to just let things "slide", and dammit, I'm good at that.
The LIfe Aquatic looks amazing, and the trailer has me hooked, not least for the really old New Order song they use.... But I love Bill Murray, everything about the guy, the sheer Bill Murrayness of him. I need to go and see that soon.
I used to want to be Jaques Cousteau, but I never learned how to swim.
The tragedy and the pathos of all those wasted years!
Did you go to the SG Scotland meet in the end?
And you should come through to Edinburgh anyway, it's a pretty okay place if you catch it in the right mood. Which is why I spend so much time in Glasgow.....
lots of love
x r