Well, my updating didn't work yesterday, so hopefully this will stick. Which it has, obviously, if you are reading this. However, if you're not then it didn't. And in that case you won't know that you're not because it hasn't, and I'll have to start all over again.
Right, so, times counting down. Things are moving ahead in the lab and with the wedding. It's all nearly nailed down. I'm still enough of a newbie to be concerned with my post count, but still weary enough of this site and the part of my life that I am leaving behind to not spend a lot of time working on raising it. Anyway, I'm closing in on two thousand comments, and that seems a good round number. You know? We'll see how long it takes to get there.
I know many of my friends have left SG behind, but some people here (e.g. Stirfry) don't ever want to leave. Where do you see your involvement in the site a year from now? How about five years from now?
Right, so, times counting down. Things are moving ahead in the lab and with the wedding. It's all nearly nailed down. I'm still enough of a newbie to be concerned with my post count, but still weary enough of this site and the part of my life that I am leaving behind to not spend a lot of time working on raising it. Anyway, I'm closing in on two thousand comments, and that seems a good round number. You know? We'll see how long it takes to get there.
I know many of my friends have left SG behind, but some people here (e.g. Stirfry) don't ever want to leave. Where do you see your involvement in the site a year from now? How about five years from now?

Try this 

I enjoy the site, but I don't freak too much if I can't get on for a few days. I like to read the journals...helps me live vicariously through others!