I am happy to say I am the world's newest FUNKATEER, 'cause there ain't no party like a P-Funk party, 'cause the P-Funk pary don't stop! Me and my gal caught the Parliament-Funkadelic show here in the 'Nati last night having a blast and drinking Old Style king cans. What an awesome time. The most amazing part was the end of the show. They kept looking like they we're going to end the show, and then, they'd start again. The lights were up, and everyone was dancing and singing. Huge wafts of cannabis smoke everywhere (and strangely I didn't mind). I'm in love with his singer Kendra Foster, who was darlin' and soulful in her shiney silver space-suit mothership mini. I never knew how fun their shows were. Finally, they had to raise the black out scrim at the backstage wall and strike the instruments before the show would end. Everyone spilled out onto the street smiling and funky.