The show was, of course, phenomenal. Apart from it being nearly indescribably good, Karen O may be the coolest person of all time. She's like the love child of a Mick Jagger, Patti Smith, and Johnny Rotten three way.
After all the talk of Manhattan's, I gave on a try at the show. Quite tasty, but (although I was in Kentucky at the time) I couldn't help thinking it would be better with Irish than with bourbon. What would you call that, a Brooklyn?
Von Bondies coming to town Saturday. Things just keep looking up.
After all the talk of Manhattan's, I gave on a try at the show. Quite tasty, but (although I was in Kentucky at the time) I couldn't help thinking it would be better with Irish than with bourbon. What would you call that, a Brooklyn?
Von Bondies coming to town Saturday. Things just keep looking up.

damn! I want a shrine!! a horribly evil one. with skulls.