today was my day off and it was such a nice sunny day here in sydney.
i went down to the local animal shelter and took some doggies for a walk.. now i am thinking about it i should of taken photos.. nevermind will take some next time.
i took a few of the bigger dogs for a walk (i feel more comfortable around larger dogs!) then i asked the woman there which ones hadnt been for a walk in a while and she handed me Victoria.. a small snappy maltese thing with a pink tutu on. needless to say once Victoria was out of her cage and trotting through the grass she was having a ball.. but gosh it was weird walking a small dog and i got some strange looks from people who saw me walking this prancing, stuck up little dog with a pink tutu on it. i felt like Paris Hilton. errgh!
Anyway, there was also a beautiful snowy white greyhound there.. she was four years old and on death row because they couldnt home her and she was dumped because she wasnt fast enough at racing. She was just divine. Seriously guys, Greyhounds get a bad name because they are usually in public with a muzzle and so people think they are ferocious or something.. they are not! i have had two greyhounds before, they are the most sweetest, placid creatures you will ever meet... so graceful and elegant and regal. i am so upset that i cant adopt this one as i am living in a flat (
) but even if i was in a house, i couldnt have dogs alone incase i get stuck somewhere one night and dont get home to look after them.
If you are looking for pets, please check out your local animal shelter.. the animals there are not 'rejects' - people are usually under the impression that the animals there must be 'bad' or else they wouldnt be there.. and that is totally wrong.. its the adults who purchase animals for their whining kids who want a 'pet' but dont want to take care of it.. and when the kid loses interest, or the animal grows too big/eats too much/requires vet bills/dosent look 'cute' anymore they dump it. The doggies i played with today were all gorgeous and deserve a loving home so please consider a rehoused animal first before a breeder.
Aside from my Boycotting the BodyShop rant a few entries back (if you havent read... L'Oreal have bought the Body Shop which is a total disgrace and sell out and even though the Body Shop is remaining a 'seperate' entity i still dont believe in supporting a company that is owned by one of the largest skincare companies in the world who still use animal testing) i would also like to encourage you all to Boycott Pet Shops... (for animal purchases like dogs and cats i mean)... purchasing these animals only encourages pet shops to get more and more.. having animals freely available in petshops promotes irresponsible pet ownership and its been proven that in areas where pet shops have no longer sold dogs and cats, the rate of animals being rehoused in animal shelters has dropped dramatically. If you need to buy a pet, go to an animal shelter or a breeder. PET SHOPS ARE EVIL.
right. thats my rant for the day. thanks for listening.
**oh.. before i forget.. if you are cleaning out and discover you have old towels, blankets and quilts, please donate them to your local animal shelter, as they are always running out of bedding for their animals and esp in winter, they notice it alot - the ones that have no fur - so please dont throw them out unnecessarily. **
i went down to the local animal shelter and took some doggies for a walk.. now i am thinking about it i should of taken photos.. nevermind will take some next time.
i took a few of the bigger dogs for a walk (i feel more comfortable around larger dogs!) then i asked the woman there which ones hadnt been for a walk in a while and she handed me Victoria.. a small snappy maltese thing with a pink tutu on. needless to say once Victoria was out of her cage and trotting through the grass she was having a ball.. but gosh it was weird walking a small dog and i got some strange looks from people who saw me walking this prancing, stuck up little dog with a pink tutu on it. i felt like Paris Hilton. errgh!
Anyway, there was also a beautiful snowy white greyhound there.. she was four years old and on death row because they couldnt home her and she was dumped because she wasnt fast enough at racing. She was just divine. Seriously guys, Greyhounds get a bad name because they are usually in public with a muzzle and so people think they are ferocious or something.. they are not! i have had two greyhounds before, they are the most sweetest, placid creatures you will ever meet... so graceful and elegant and regal. i am so upset that i cant adopt this one as i am living in a flat (

If you are looking for pets, please check out your local animal shelter.. the animals there are not 'rejects' - people are usually under the impression that the animals there must be 'bad' or else they wouldnt be there.. and that is totally wrong.. its the adults who purchase animals for their whining kids who want a 'pet' but dont want to take care of it.. and when the kid loses interest, or the animal grows too big/eats too much/requires vet bills/dosent look 'cute' anymore they dump it. The doggies i played with today were all gorgeous and deserve a loving home so please consider a rehoused animal first before a breeder.
Aside from my Boycotting the BodyShop rant a few entries back (if you havent read... L'Oreal have bought the Body Shop which is a total disgrace and sell out and even though the Body Shop is remaining a 'seperate' entity i still dont believe in supporting a company that is owned by one of the largest skincare companies in the world who still use animal testing) i would also like to encourage you all to Boycott Pet Shops... (for animal purchases like dogs and cats i mean)... purchasing these animals only encourages pet shops to get more and more.. having animals freely available in petshops promotes irresponsible pet ownership and its been proven that in areas where pet shops have no longer sold dogs and cats, the rate of animals being rehoused in animal shelters has dropped dramatically. If you need to buy a pet, go to an animal shelter or a breeder. PET SHOPS ARE EVIL.
right. thats my rant for the day. thanks for listening.
**oh.. before i forget.. if you are cleaning out and discover you have old towels, blankets and quilts, please donate them to your local animal shelter, as they are always running out of bedding for their animals and esp in winter, they notice it alot - the ones that have no fur - so please dont throw them out unnecessarily. **
Oh, and I heard that greyhounds were also very hyper if they weren't excercised religiously. Having owned one, what's your opinion. Is this just a myth?
I also saw the saddest thing in Cambodia. Someone had tied two dogs by the hind legs and left them on a busy road. I couldn't not rescue them. If you don't want your dogs have them put down you heartless fucker. In vietnam I also saw dogs hanging in a shop window for sale as meat and tied up in the corner of a couple of restaurants. Yuk!