I'm starting to realize how close to graduation I'm getting. And I still dont have a job lined up. I really dont know what I'm going to do. I dont want to move since all my friends are here and I like it here but one of my friends was telling me that I need to go somewhere else. I think she's right but I dont know how that will go. Its kinda out of my comfort zone. And with being out of school and going into the real world, I'm gonna be far enough out of my comfort zone as it is. My options are starting to get thin, I think. I dont really even know whats out there. How valuable is a Mines graduate anyway? Will I really have the negotiating power I want or am I just another engineer? I know I'm not exactly a model student but I am going to graduate almost on time. I just hope I have the skills companies are looking for. Fuck. Skills. It seems like all of these jobs I see are looking for 5 to 10 years experience. I dont have any experince other that work study and working at an ice plant. I dont think that counts toward what they are looking for. How am I going to fnd a job that is in a good place, pays good money, is fun, and will actually hire me? Its probably like those things where you have 4 options but you can only get 2 or 3. I may just have to settle for what I can get. Only the future will tell.
I remember last time I came back from Amsterdam and finally arrived in the US.
When I went to get my luggage from the carousel, there were a few officers with drug dogs walking around sniffing all the luggage and everyone.
Had me a bit paranoid even though I had no reason to be.